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07/24/2015 12:05 PM
Kim Young-Kwang

Age: 28 Height: 187 cm Occupation: Resort owner Status: single Orientation: straight Background
After Young-Kwang's father passed away by cancer, he acceded to the duties of the CEO. His whole life his parents had prepared him for this, there was no other meaning behind his existence for his family. His childhood was filled with the typical classes of a rich person’s life. From strict courses for good manners, language and cultural classes, and later also economist courses. His parents prepared him perfectly to be the rightful owner of the Kim’s family business. They own a beautiful resort, half an hour away from Seoul. It is famous for its 16 different gardens, several hotels and a spa area, bigger than anything else in South Korea. Tourists from all over the world travel there, to get away from the stressful life in the cities. It is a huge task to manage all of it, but it always seems as Young-Kwang knows to handle it. While the young man is looking serious, he still is kind and humble to his surroundings but takes care to keep up walls around him, having trust issues and is more into his work than into conversations with humans. The only thing he really trusts is his work.
07/13/2015 03:20 PM
BigBang Whore Train
There are so many people lately asking that they wanted to be shared out. So, if you guys are in need of any help so far, I have been waiting for this day to make a suitable whore train for those who want to be shared out. I will be making the layout and everything tomorrow soon. So hope everyone fills this forum out, they will be added in once made.The whore train will last for a month, till everyone's wiped off of it, then you will have to sign up for it again. You must share it out whenever you can within 24 hours.. if you need additional information..Or if you don't want your very own playby stolen from anyone you can message me your info..But post here to sign up..if you wish to do so.Here's the whore code:Repost it when there's an updateApplication form:
Name: URL: Playby:
For RPG groups or Whore sites||
Name: Url: Picture icon?:
Sincerely, Niklaus Mikaelson
05/30/2015 08:58 PM
How could a loving God send anyone to hell?
One of the classic problems that people bring up is: How can a God of love send anybody to Hell? Well, there are several answers to that.
One of course is that God doesn't send anyone to Hell. You send yourself there. God has done everything He possibly can to keep you out of Hell and still leave you as a person with free will and not just a robot. That's the way He made us--after His image, after His likeness, the power to say "yes" or the power to say "no," the power to reject our own Creator, and of course to take the consequences.
In one sense you can say He doesn't send anybody to Hell, because across the road to Hell he has placed the cross of Christ. There are also the prayers of parents, pastors and Sunday school teachers, and all the other things that God brings into our lives to stop us on our selfish way and to bring us to the Savior. We have to go wandering on past it all and put ourselves in Hell.
Sometimes you hear people say, "God wouldn't send His children to Hell." God certainly doesn't send His children to Hell because when we're His children we're in the family of God. We're born again and part of our salvation includes deliverance from judgment. We're not all children of God except through faith in Christ Jesus.
Can a God of love send anyone to Hell? You might as well ask some other question to make just as much sense. Does God allow disease in the world? Does God allow jails and prisons for some people? Does God allow the electric chair sometimes? Does God allow sin to break homes and hearts? Does God allow war? All of these things are the consequences of sin entering into the world, and in some cases the direct result of man's rebellion, and the result of greed and pride and egotism and hunger for power that doesn't have any use for people--only the desire to get ahead.
This is the incredible fruit of sin. Sin brings suffering into the world. There's no way of getting around it. And the greatest sin in the world is to reject the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
We have our catalog of sins. We have rape and incest and murder ; and we have them all cataloged and classified--but there isn't one of them (or even put them all together in one big hunk) that comes close to the sin of keeping Jesus Christ out of your life. Did Jesus say, "I'm going to send the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin because they rob banks"-- or, "because they believe not on me"?
It is folly to expect that you or I can trifle with the Lord Jesus and not have a penalty attached to it. What ridiculous thinking people have in this area! We expect penalties for doing much less. Life is just built that way.
You jump off a high building, the law of gravity will take care of you. You might say, "God is love," all the way down, but you're still going to get splattered when you hit the bottom! You break the law of gravity, and it breaks you! You may love your little child, but if he puts his finger up on that hot burner on the gas stove or the electric stove, he's going to get burned!
Fire burns. Gravity kills. Water drowns. And you can say, "God is love, God is love, God is love," until you're blue in the face. But water will still drown you, fire will burn you, and gravity will kill you, and sin will damn you no matter how much you say about a loving God.
God just set up life that way. He set up the rules. He set up the laws by which we are to live. And if we break those laws, they break us, and we pay the consequences.
03/30/2015 10:52 PM
Tips to improve one's web experience
- Clear your browser cache, then restart your browser.
- The more tabs you have open, the slower your browser will perform.
- When was the last time you restarted your computer? Restart your computer.
10/22/2014 01:52 PM
Momoko Kotagawa

Age: 23 Occupation: Maiko
Height: 165 cm Weight: 45 kg Bloodtype: A Status: Single | bound to her work Orientation: straight
"With 16 I decided to leave the reality"
The young woman named Momoko has a special kind of job. Some people around the world, doesn
10/22/2014 01:51 PM
Name: Hyosung Age: ??? Height: 160 cm Weight:50 kg Status: Single | no one can affect a departed heart Orientation: Straight but already kissed girls Dancing in the moonlight
She will make you forget that you visited this club and just to betray your wife. She will take off the whole burden and make you feel as you are the most special person.
She is the girl who will make you fascinated. Her hips, her swinging will turn your head around and you will never forget about her. Hyosung is so outstanding in so many ways. Among a bunch of girls, you will always recognize her. Her smile is like a gentle touch of the fingertips of your first love. It touches you deep down there in your heart and you will remember it years later. You will wish to see this smile again, it will hunt you.
The club is the only family she has. Her sisters, her boss, the alcohol. It keeps her alive. It keeps her forgetting what had happened in the past. Her mother died because of cancer when she was four, one year later her father had committed suicide and let her back all on her own. Because no one of the rest of her family wished to take care of her she ended up in an orphanage.
Because of the mental shock, the pain, the fear of the future she turned into a really silent and emotionless children. Other kids were scared about her cold gaze. She looked like she didn
10/22/2014 01:50 PM
Ai Takahashi
Current age:25 Occupation:singer, model Hometown:- Bloodtype:unkown Height: 153 Weight: 48 Status: single Orientation: straight Likes: singing, music, freetime, visit foreign cities, sweets Dislikes: darkness, scary things, fail, strange food
Dorky Princess
Background: Ai Takahashi joined the famous idol group Morning Musume as a 5th generation member. Since this day she shined out as a lovely and dorky person. She was known for her upcoming amazing voice as well as her dance moves. Back then she was a little girl which grew up with the years to a sexy and cool young woman. With 25 she had to graduate from Morning Musume, leaving behind a big lack in the vocal rage of the group, but this is another story. She is a dorky person, she loves to make weird jokes, pokes others and being loud. She also like to party and go out with her friends. Having always been an idol it was impossible for her to date. Despite some flirting she never had been able to date someone. With her age it is something really outstanding but she is uncommon with this romantic stuff. Maybe it also depends on the fact that she usually ends up in the friend zone. To be accepted as a lover barely happens. Just her fans know how to admire her as a real woman. People which meet her in reality usually just see her as a friend, it makes her desperate, but she has no chance to change it.
10/22/2014 01:49 PM
Nozomi Sasaki
Current Age: 25 Occupation: Full time Hostess Hometown: Japan Bloodtype: A Height: 160 Weight: 49kg Orientation: Straight Status: Single
The tender Liar
Background: Glamour, parties, alcohol, looking like a princess and being treated by rich man, yes this is Nozomi Sasaki. Her appearance is like a fairy. She is not just beautiful, she appeals like gentle and fragile treasure. Everything she does, any move she makes, people are enchanted by her beauty and farouche look. Sasaki started to work as a hostess 2 years ago and made herself a name in the entertainment business of Kabukicho. She is a member of the 24nights clubs and her face is shown all over the entries. She had several reasons to start this business. Once she came to Tokyo, all she wanted to do was to study at the Tokyo University, but because of some grievances, she wasn’t able to participate in the admission exams. Ashamed of her own and scared to go back to home, she decided to stay and work. However, because of the insanely expensive rents and living costs, she had to find one job to get money fast as possible. Being a hostess never came to her mind but she decided to try it. A friend helped her to apply an application for the club and she was directly chartered. The boss was amazed by her different personality, her friendly and kind behavior and also bright smile. Despite the wildest girls of her club, she brings in a new standard of hostess. Costumers of higher rankings prefer her. It seems as she makes them relaxed and calm down with her character. Still she is smart enough to talk about different things and not just superficial subjects. Still, a life as a hostess, is a life as a hostess. Drinking alcohol all night, being sleepless, hangovers, rude costumers, a boss who touches her a way to often and the made up lies towards her family. All of this is quite painful and makes it difficult for to live with a pure mind. But once in the club, it is difficult to get out of that kind of life.
10/22/2014 01:48 PM
Kang Minkyung
Current age:24 Occupation:spoilt girl, part time model Hometown:Seoul Bloodtype:A Height: 167cm Weight: 48 Status: Single Orientation: straight Likes: parties, boys, clubs, good music, alcohol, play with people feelings Dislikes:telling the truth, get a lesson by her father, borring times, silence
Background: Beautiful, elegant, a fairy, a perfect woman, when you spend a look at her. But don’t be fooled by this beauty. Her eyes are big, her smile bright and her heart cold with a hiding, feisty monster. Minkyung is a wealthy princess. Being the only one born in her family, her parents always spoilt her from head to toe and she never had to worry about anything. If she wanted to be a princess, she was one, if she wished a new horse she got one. She perfectly knew and knows how to trick and treat people around her. Someone bossy? Use the baby eyes, someone arrogant, use your breast… It was easy since school to manipulate people. The beautiful woman always enjoyed a life of luxury and freedom. She barely knows what hardships are. But since a year her parents try to make her marry persons they actually think, would fit her. For sure Minkyung is against it, first of all because someone tries to patronize her, but also because she has no idea about love and cherishing someone. She doesn’t see any value in feelings towards someone else. At the end it just would trouble her. Since then, she rebels against this and also tries to find a proper solution. Even running away was an option, as long as she doesn’t have to marry a stranger she never met before or dislikes so much.
10/22/2014 01:47 PM
Keiko Nishida
Current age: 26 Occupation: working as a teacher Hometown: Kyoto, Japan Blood type: O Height: 158 cm Weight: 45kg Status: Taken by Junsu since 12/30/2010 | Engaged since 12/05/2011 Orientation: bisexual Likes: Ice Cream, parties, her job, people around her, Korean music, alcohol, her man! Dislikes: harsh sun, darkness, brash people The lonely partygirl
Background: The woman with the cocky, alluring smile is always ready for a big party, she loves to dance until the next morning, together with her friends, alcohol and the appendage called men. She loves them, but just as long as she knows she is the only one for them. The hot girl loves attention and never likes to share it. Her ego is big as one of a casanova. She loves to sleep with them, getting their money and their attention, but a relationship is just a dream, a dream which would turn into a nightmare sooner or later. She is not really able to keep up one. Trust and faith are foreign words. Kei grew up with her mother and her father in Korea, being a mixed one, half Korean half Japanese, she never was really famous in school. She had a few friends, but children can be so cruel, when they see someone is different to them. Being bullied was a normal thing until she got 15 and her body went over to a woman
10/22/2014 01:45 PM
Requesting Characters
To request a character...
Many of you ask me if they could reqeust a character, for sure why not :D But some things I got to say before you are fangirling xD
1. Send me the basic information, such as: -name -age -occupation -status -orientation
2. Furthermore I ask you to send me a picture of the face you wanna use
3. Describe the personality of your wished character, if I make him rude bla bla and you want him to be cute it could be complicated.
4. If you have a storyline wish or idea please tell me
So I think for now thats all thank youu :D
Soon: Yonghwa is coming
10/22/2014 01:44 PM
Kim Soo Hyun
Age: 26 Occupation: Bodyguard Orientation: Straight Status: Single Bloodtype: AB Height: 180 cm Weight: 65 kg Cold but protective
Background: The handsome looking guy was raised up in a strict family, since a little boy he was taught to self defense the small body. His father owned a huge facility for Bulmudo, a Korean version of the Chinese Shaolin Quanfa. Ever since a little kid, he had to train, to meditate and do his best to become a good new leader of the school of his father, but for sure the soon growing man had his own plans. The family lived on a small Korean village, visitors just usually came for the yearly fighting presentations. Without even telling he left his hometown and his parents, leaving behind a note for his family and disappeared to Seoul. The start was a rough time, not to have anything than just continueing with the sport he loved he went through the big city, owning his money with helping out in restaurants and being a waiter. Just by a mistake an agency found him. They were amazed by his skills and serious attitude about anything. He wasn't smiling too much, it wasn't his type and there usually was no reason. So they offered him a job as a bodyguard and soon a lot people booked him, amazed how easy the young guy handled emergency moments and defend his costumers and himself. He loves his new job and he doesn't need anything else, his day is always the same, waking up, eating going to work, staying as long as the costumer needed and left when he wasn't needed anymore. He never asks for questions, neither he had any real requirements, he just is who he is, he never had learned to have real emotions. His parents never had show him.
10/22/2014 01:43 PM
Lee Soohyuk
Name: Lee Soohyuk Age: 26 Height: 184 cm Weight: 61 kg Bloodtype: AB Orientation: Straight Status: Single Profession: Model and actor Background: Soohyuk looks normal, works hard and is funny and easygoing, just lik a comedian. The good-looking outstanding man has reached a lot through his short life, just by working his ass off and keeping his funny personality. He is cool, not worrying about tomorrow, neither about yesterday, because his life is too short to do so. Everyone who meets him thinks he is free from any worries. Among his male and female coworkers he is quite popular, since he is really caring about everyone. Still, everyone has a secret. Soohyuk is suffering since his birth under mucoviscidosis. A genetic illness, which affects his lungs. It's a long-term issue, which includes difficulties to breath and harsh coughing. It is not as harsh as some other people has it, still it sometimes really pushes himself back and hinder him to work as he wants to. Covering up his health condition, he keeps on smoking, drinking and skipping the doctor checkups. Even though his management tries its best to protect Soohyuk, the young man is not considerate about it. He knows he will die earlier than others will; his life span is shorter than the most, so he decided early to enjoy the life by the fullest and come over difficulties of life with a bright grin and some irony. He has no idea, why he was chosen to have this illness, but it is his decision to make the best out of it.