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11/25/2024 07:01 PM 

Changes to Groups

- You can now make group members "Moderators" to help manage your group.
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- More Improvements to Groups are planned.
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11/24/2024 04:35 PM 

Takeo Forever Damned (Mature Content)
Current mood:  validated

(A moment of dismal solitude overcomes Kayako, but eventually she decides that Takeo must pay the ultimate price for murdering his entire family in cold blood! This is sort of an alternate version of what happened in the movies, as she unleashes a much more violent side of herself than usual.)

Kayako’s Lament:

"So many conflicting emotions are going through my distressed mind right now, yet perhaps I can never hope to fully convey such morose feelings as sadness and depression, for it is possibly beyond my ability to properly express them. And, except for an occasional glimpse of sorrow which might be seen emanating from these desolate eyes, no one will ever know nor understand just how miserable and alone I truly am."

Kayako’s Revenge:

Kayako’s vengeful spirit at last returned from the dead, but only for the sole purpose of making her vile, despicably wretched former husband Takeo suffer terribly, because of the horrific things he’d done to not only herself, but also to poor Toshio and the child’s beloved cat Mar as well! She soon found him sound asleep in bed, as long, powerful strands of black hair began strangling him with ever increasing force, yet for him to die so quickly would be far too easy for this utterly disgusting individual, so instead she would eventually do to him what he’d done to her neck, back during the most unnerving moment of this unfortunate woman’s life. However, she planned on doing much more than merely breaking that particular part of his body, as the frightened male’s legs and arms were easily snapped by Kayako’s deadly hands, which caused him to repeatedly scream in excruciating agony! Kayako then slowly began to violently twist Takeo’s arms, one at a time until finally, broken bones gave way as she ripped the tortured male’s sockets apart, before doing the exact same thing to his legs, as she casually tossed one severed body part after another off to the side. Seeing him bleeding out until he was no doubt very near death, she at last ended his suffering by callously breaking his neck, so that he could depart from the living to join the dead! However, Takeo would forever remain afraid of Kayako, because she was a far more powerful spirit than himself, so while she could now finally move on in the afterlife, he would always dwell in the darkest shadows, while never daring to incur this highly dangerous woman’s wrath again!

11/24/2024 04:33 PM 

Perpetual Misfortune
Current mood:  morose

(Based on those Asian horror movies about Kayako Saeki, which I definitely love as well!)

Slowly crawling down the stairs, her croaking noises became louder,
As she moved closer to two more innocent and unsuspecting victims.
Human lives ended so easily, due to literally being frightened to death,
By this quite violent, but nevertheless misunderstood ghostly figure.
In life she only wanted peace and happiness through marriage,
But his insane jealousy ended this lovely young woman’s existence,
Along with her only son and his cherished and much adored pet.
Uncontrolled anger left mother and child now dead and departed,
Yet she soon returned to make this wretched abuser pay dearly,
Strangling him unto permanent oblivion with her long, thick hair!
Their vengeful spirits came back to torment those among the living,
Yet she was by far the most powerful and dangerous of the three.
Ignorant trespassers foolish enough to scorn at these ghastly tales,
Will become the next to feel this tormented yurei’s unbridled rage,
As she claims their lives before they themselves join this cycle.
A never-ending curse which only grows stronger with more victims!

11/12/2024 01:24 PM 

Woodbury vs. Terminus (Mature Content)
Current mood:  tested

The sanguine virus was slowly but surely becoming increasingly rampant inside Rebecca’s body, and indeed this beautiful but traumatized young woman seemed more like a ticking time bomb than anything else, ready to explode at any given moment as she got ready to assist the Governor in this upcoming quest for vigilante justice!

The Governor wasn’t just going to rush into battle by randomly attacking Terminus without rhyme nor reason either, so instead he sent a few of his best scouts ahead to check out Gareth’s place before making any further combat decisions, because his aggression was always tempered with great patience and only a fool would blindly fight people like that. Several days passed but in the meantime Philip had a nice, long talk with Rebecca and after asking her some more questions he finally decided to make the young brunette fourth in command, behind Merle and Martinez but sometimes she’d have much greater authority than that, due to those two men often going on supply runs and also other missions as well. Every now and then she would actually be the second in command behind the Governor, which simply blew her away that someone trusted her so much, but she was very thankful and also humbled by such an amazing opportunity, and without question Philip knew that the twenty two year old would never let him down either. Finally his scouts returned with some very useful information regarding Gareth’s Terminus compound, so he kindly thanked them for their much needed and highly appreciated help, before leaving to go look for his good friend whom he now loved dearly like a brother, none other than Rick Grimes himself. Both men had gotten into several misunderstandings with one another much earlier, but after working through those disagreements they’d formed a strong bond which nothing could ever break no matter what. Rick was far from a saint however, because he’d shown absolutely zero remorse for those two Terminus trackers which Philip and Rebecca had so ruthlessly tortured and executed! This was a very harsh and cruel world and Rick could care less about what happened to evil people in general, so after the Governor explained the situation he slowly nodded before smiling at his close friend.

"Well Philip, I can definitely respect that because this is something you and Rebecca have to do yourselves, so trust me I understand because the same thing’s happened to me before, and no one can blame a man or woman for wanting to take matters into their own hands like that. Hey no problem and you don’t even have to ask me either, so we’ll keep Woodbury safe until you finish what that piece of sh*t a**hole Gareth started!"

Rick smiled again then hugged Philip tightly, while also wishing him the best of luck before leaving to gather up all the members of his own closely knit group. Rick knew that very few words needed to be said right now, and he actually owed the Governor a huge favor because Philip’s group had kept the Prison safe while Rick’s people left to fight a war of their own. The Wolves had invaded Georgia and murdered numerous innocent civilians who were trying to reach the relative safety of the Prison, all in an attempt to lure Rick’s group out so they could slaughter everyone else inside the compound before completely destroying it! However, the Governor had utterly ruined those plans by using his fighters to defend Rick’s place from harm, and after many Wolves were killed the rest quickly fled in terror but were all caught in a truly vicious ambush by Rick’s returning group, so between both heroic forces the Wolves stood absolutely no chance whatsoever! This time Rick had snapped like never before as he slowly tortured then killed several Wolves who tried to surrender, so in many ways he and the Governor had far more in common than most people thought! Now Rick would be returning the favor as Philip’s people left to attack Terminus, so the next morning Philip and his male and female soldiers departed from Woodbury, eventually reaching an area which was located nearby, but not too close to Terminus. He had a clear goal in mind and after going over strategy with Merle, Martinez, and Rebecca they all came to an agreement regarding what to do next, but this battle might not go exactly as planned but that’s where Rick came in, because his group was ready to confront any of Gareth’s survivors who might attack Woodbury out of revenge. However, rather than openly assaulting Terminus with his soldiers the Governor had one very nasty little trick up his sleeve, because he no doubt planned on using all fifteen Woodbury prisoners to do the dirty work first, before making any further moves in this upcoming battle for ultimate supremacy! Philip then spoke in a loud, harsh tone because he was clearly not in the mood to play nice today.

"Alright you f***ing a**holes, get going or you’ll be the first ones to die! Now move on out because Mister Gareth and company are expecting you pathetic pieces of sh*t!"

The cold blooded murderers and thoroughly disgusting rapists wanted to rebel against the Governor just then, but they knew that some of his soldiers also had silencers on their weapons, which meant every single one of them would be shot dead without Terminus even hearing it either, so they glared at everyone before making their way forward to almost certain death. Armed with simple and crude weapons, for the most part their job was to provide a greatly needed distraction while the Governor got ready to unleash carnage and destruction upon Gareth’s people! Martinez positioned the tank far back enough to not be easily seen even from a distance, while the convicts began literally running for their lives as the battle between Woodbury and Terminus now commenced!

Philip snickered because there was always that one a**hole who couldn’t f***ing follow orders no matter what, so after the cowardly prisoner turned and started running back to where the Governor and company stood, the Woodbury leader simply grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun before proceeding to blow yet another convict’s head off, splattering gore and brain matter everywhere while the attack on Terminus continued!

"Alright, fire that goddamn tank and let’s wake Gareth up right now!"

Martinez quickly nodded then got inside the heavily armored vehicle and began firing at only certain Terminus buildings, ones which were of strategic importance because Philip already knew from his scouts where Gareth’s fighters resided, so there honestly was no need to waste valuable ammunition by destroying everything in sight. Most of the other fourteen Woodbury prisoners were quickly slaughtered by Gareth and his people, yet a few made it to the inside of Terminus and managed to kill several fighters before they too, became human Swiss cheese as hundreds of bullets literally tore them apart right then and there! Between the convicts attacking and the tank firing multiple rounds upon the rather large compound, this in turn gave Philip enough time to begin his main assault as everyone else rapidly moved forward, yet Gareth was not about to go down without a very serious fight, because the sudden explosions all around the Governor’s soldiers meant that some truly nasty rigged bombs had suddenly gone off, killing and wounding several Woodbury warriors while also buying Gareth precious time as well! Philip cursed out loud but now he saw another opportunity to at last win the day, so he and half a dozen others ran over to the train car doors and opened them, while his tank continued firing at the high walls in order to take out Gareth’s snipers. Using weapons gathered from the dead Terminus people, the Governor then took a huge risk by quickly going inside each train car, reassuring the frightened and nervous captives that he meant them no harm whatsoever, because he was here to rescue them and they could also take these guns and join him in the fight, which a dozen of the twenty people agreed to do at once. These terrified men and women somehow trusted Philip because they had nothing to lose, and at the very least they’d been saved from becoming Gareth’s next victims, so they joined the Governor as he kept up the pressure on Terminus. Gareth’s rigged explosives had been a very effective counter to Philip’s massive tank, thus more or less evening the playing field between these two determined groups of combatants. Suddenly another powerful explosion destroyed the tank while also wounding Martinez, but as he exited the burning vehicle one of Gareth’s snipers blew his brains out with a well placed head shot, which now left only Merle and Rebecca in charge under the Governor! Revenge for the brave and fallen Caesar Martinez came swiftly however, as Gareth’s mother Mary was brutally disemboweled by Rebecca’s long and sharp butcher knife, as the young female gutted her alive while also pulling out Mary’s intestines for good measure! Meanwhile the Governor and those recently freed train car prisoners attacked from the left, as everyone else moved in from the right which no doubt tightened the noose around Gareth’s neck, yet this vile and cowardly young man willingly sacrificed more than a few of his own people in order to escape through the nearby woods, by using those fellow cannibals as human shields until most were shot to death, although several others followed him as they also escaped as well. Gareth’s brother Alex was then shot in the back by a remorseless and vindictive Governor, before being dismembered alive as Philip began chopping the helpless man up with an ax, easily severing body parts until finally decapitating Alex with one final swing of the weapon! Rebecca’s speed and extremely violent nature proved fatal for many Terminus fighters, which meant that this abused and traumatized female had done a considerable amount of damage on her own, thus proving to be one of the Governor’s top soldiers and someone he greatly admired and respected! All reanimated corpses were quickly put down by the surviving Woodbury fighters, but this also gave Gareth and the other human flesh eaters who followed him more time to get away, yet after everything was over Woodbury had indeed emerged victorious. Fifty of the sixty Terminus cannibals were now dead, while the rest fled into the woods and ten of the sixty Woodbury soldiers had died during battle, but another ten were injured including Merle Dixon. All fifteen Woodbury prisoners were massacred as well, in addition to ten of the twenty Terminus train car captives perishing during the vicious and brutal fight. The cost of victory had definitely been high indeed, because were it not for those convicts and poor Terminus captives assisting the Governor during battle, surely many more Woodbury people would have been killed or injured. Philip decided to hold up for awhile before pursuing Gareth any further, because there was no reason to get in any hurry right now, and besides his injured people needed medical attention and also some well deserved rest for sure. Rebecca stood alone amidst the seemingly countless butchered corpses, basking in all the carnage which had just happened as she looked down upon her own blood covered body, and the indescribable feeling of extreme satisfaction she now felt was something which would no doubt foreshadow future events, because this fiercely determined young woman knew that things were not over between her and Gareth, but perhaps Rebecca’s ever increasing lust for blood meant that she wasn’t a completely normal human after all!

11/12/2024 01:18 PM 

Woodbury vs. Terminus (Prelude) (Mature Content)
Current mood:  enraged

Rebecca didn’t know it just yet, but she was now the very first human who had actually become immune to the much dreaded walker virus, however at the same time this did not come without a price either, due to another sickness taking its place without her even realizing the drastic changes until it was far too late. The sanguine virus would eventually overtake Rebecca’s formerly normal human body, giving her incredible strength along with other abilities greatly beyond the range of anything ever experienced by people in general, yet also forcing her to consume vast quantities of blood in order to survive in this cruel and unforgiving world, for she was not invincible and could most certainly perish as well, but thankfully her strong mental prowess and high moral code of honor meant that she would never abuse said powers by murdering those who were innocent. Only the guilty deserved such harsh punishment for their evil crimes committed against humanity, yet first she had to survive being held prisoner in the less than pleasant confines of a Terminus train car, while Gareth sadistically, yet also calmly began executing people in cold blood, and her unfortunate parents would soon be the next ones to die! Should Rebecca somehow manage to escape, then perhaps there would still be hope for humanity after all, and the tide would finally be turned against not only walkers, but also wicked people who sought nothing less than the complete destruction of whatever peace still remained in society!

Rebecca Chambers had barely managed to escape being horribly butchered at the hands of the demented Gareth and his equally insane people at Terminus, but before that happened she was forced to watch her parents being bled out while slowly getting their throats sliced wide open as well! A dozen others suffered the same fate in order to provide these wretched cannibals with fresh human meat for consumption, yet Gareth made one mistake by forcing Rebecca to watch while he held her at gunpoint, because she was the youngest captive and he wanted to inflict as much mental trauma on her as possible, before saving her for the last victim. However, she instead began running away which caused him to curse out loud, and even though he could have shot her dead on the spot, in his twisted and warped mind her meat was the freshest out of them all, and by shooting her with bullets it would have ruined the sweet taste of delicious flesh! Gareth was not too worried about the situation though, and he even told his guards to hold off following her for just a little while longer. Several of them protested but he simply smiled before speaking in a calm and almost bored voice.

"Don’t worry, everything’s just fine. Besides, I haven’t played this little game in quite some time. Sure why not? Let’s give her maybe an hour or so, then you two go hunt the stupid bitch down and bring her back to me. She’s just a kid and also, there’s no help around for many miles either, so we’ll let her sweat it out for a bit but soon enough, she’ll be carved up then served to all of us on our dinner table."

Gareth had far more important things to do than worry about some teenager getting away right now, and as he watched so many dead people being dismembered with great efficiency by his fellow male and female cannibals, he made sure everything went smoothly but finally those two trackers were sent out to find Rebecca. These were his best men whenever it came to finding and returning human prey, so if those damn walkers didn’t get her then she was as good as his after all was said and done.

Philip Blake could be mentally disturbed and highly unstable at times, but when it came to knowing right from wrong his head was always completely clear no matter what, and such was the case right now because two Terminus hunters had just been captured by the Governor’s vigilante fighters, and needless to say they would never make it back to see Gareth again! Rebecca had came across these Woodbury residents less than an hour ago, and despite being extremely scared and highly upset to say the least, this brave young woman managed to tell everyone what happened to her and those other unfortunate people, so it was no surprise that zero mercy would be shown the moment Gareth’s thugs fell into the wrong hands. The Governor’s soldiers all turned their backs on them and that even included Philip too, because they were utterly disgusted by these completely worthless people and also, they wanted to stand guard while Rebecca Chambers exacted her violent revenge. Wrists and ankles tightly bound together by rope, it was now payback time as the first man’s eyes became wide with fear, for already Rebecca had a blowtorch in hand and she wasted no time in using it on this heinous excuse for a human being! The man’s screams fell upon deaf and uncaring ears, as private parts and other areas of his body were burned beyond recognition by this now cold and remorseless female. Rebecca continued to slowly melt flesh from bone as her victim puked while also vomiting blood all over the place, until finally death arrived after even more torture continued for what seemed like an eternity. She then smiled evilly while steadily approaching the second man, and he had very good reason to be frightened because the Governor’s people had many kinds of wicked and dangerous weapons, such as this blowtorch which Rebecca absolutely enjoyed wielding and would not hesitate to use again!

"No no lady, please God please! Please don’t kill me! Wait, you’re that Governor guy right? Listen, I’m sorry! So truly sorry for also killing your people too! We didn’t mean to but well, you know, Gareth doesn’t care who he murders in cold blood!"

Now it was Philip Blake’s turn to become extremely upset just then, because he’d indeed been missing several Woodbury citizens after they’d mysteriously disappeared from town awhile back, and upon seeing his highly agitated state of mind Rebecca knew that he now felt her pain too. These people were family to him and she truly felt sorry for poor Philip, so this time it was she who turned her back on the second captive because the Governor deserved some much needed revenge of his own! He glared at the pleading Terminus resident who continued begging for forgiveness, but soon those pitiful cries turned into screams as Philip began slowly and methodically shooting the man with his .44 magnum revolver. The torture continued as the victim’s legs and arms were struck one at a time by four separate bullets, while the fifth one destroyed the whimpering male’s penis and testicles, causing him to vomit and also puke blood before Philip raised the gun into the air, squeezing the last shot off as he fiendishly smiled at the vile cannibal!

"Silly me, looks like I wasted a bullet there. Was going to blow your f***ing brains out, but I’ve got a much better idea. Merle? Where’s that damn hacksaw? Oh thank you my good sir!"

Merle smiled sadistically as he handed the Governor the sharp and deadly weapon, which the Woodbury leader quickly proceeded to use as he began cutting the already dying man’s head off, sawing through flesh and bone while blood and gore splattered everywhere until finally, decapitation was at last complete before Philip slowly stood back up again.

"After what those goddamn bastards done to poor Rebecca’s parents, along with everyone else they butchered like animals, including some of my own people too, no mercy shall be shown and I’ll not rest until every last one of them are dead! We go back to Woodbury and gather up all our soldiers, then bring the tank along with us and we hit Terminus hard and fast! Nothing less than the total annihilation of Gareth and his people will do, so we go in and kill them all! Anyone tries to surrender, we torture then skin them alive before cutting their f***ing heads off!"

No one had ever seen the Governor this angry and upset before, but his male and female fighters cheered wildly and applauded him after hearing such a powerful and intense speech like that, and soon enough Terminus would become a f***ing bloodbath of utter carnage and savage butchery!

11/10/2024 12:58 PM 

Human Target Practice (Mature Content)
Current mood:  devious

Antihero Version

The Governor wanted to blow off some steam right now, so he forced fifteen prisoners to walk over a mile from Woodbury until they were only one hundred yards away from dozens of walkers. His well armed men and women made sure that these wretched excuses for human beings never got the chance to escape nor attack their captors either, because he had certain dark and disturbing plans for them instead. The Governor cleared his voice before speaking in a casual and almost nonchalant manner.

"Oh these? Well these right here are my brand spanking new .44 Magnum revolvers, but I haven’t had the time to test them out just yet. You know how it is, I’m a very busy man and my people always come first no matter what, but today’s Sunday and everyone’s resting and taking things easy. Isn’t life grand, right? Well for us yes, but for all of you, maybe not so much."

He smiled and playfully winked at the prisoners before looking down to admire his new and deadly weapons. Several minutes passed as the Governor made every convict sweat it out some more before their fate was eventually decided, but soon enough he glanced back up then continued speaking calmly again.

"One shot and those bad boys over there will be heading this way pretty damn quickly, so I highly suggest you fine gentlemen start running as fast as you can. Unless of course, you prefer me shooting everyone of you dead right now. Now tell me, where’s the fun in that? Oh and one more thing. You make it past my bullets and through those goddamn biters, then guess what? You’re free men and all sins are forgiven. Now get moving or I’ll f***ing kill all of you right where you’re standing!!!"

The Governor suddenly turned into a madman as he screamed that last sentence out at the top of his lungs, which of course scared the worthless rapists and murderers into immediately running away from him, only for many of them to be gunned down from behind as he began wildly, but at the same time also accurately shooting his victims with those large caliber revolvers! Brains were blown out as skulls exploded from high impact bullets, but the demented Woodbury leader also delighted in shooting people in the back and also legs too, thus making it almost impossible for them to get up and run at full speed again! The starving biters quickly closed in as the Governor continued torturing the very worst which society had to offer.

"Man this is so much goddamn fun! Yeehaw!"

He reloaded his weapons but started firing them into the air this time around, while laughing and screaming as the ravenous biters made short work of those few prisoners who’d gotten that far without being shot! They tore into these disposable humans with unrelenting fury, teeth ripping flesh from bones while powerful hands did the same to other body parts as well, and soon stomachs were disemboweled and intestines gorged upon while convicts took their final breaths! Those prisoners who were still alive but unable to run or even move also suffered the very same fate, until none remained living and out of fifteen captives, six had been killed and another six wounded by the Governor, then shortly thereafter the walkers finished off those who survived, be they wounded or otherwise. Prisoners who came back from the dead were then shot through their heads by the Governor’s men and women, before every single walker also perished as the brutal massacre continued until only Woodbury army members were left standing!

"Oh no Rebecca, my precious daughter. I wasn’t about to let any of those a**holes live, even if they made it through that little gauntlet there. I had more people waiting on the other side, to blow out the f***ing brains of whoever might have survived!"

The Governor and Rebecca both laughed after he answered her question, as did the rest of his fighters so all in all, it was a very good and productive day at the Woodbury office!

11/10/2024 12:56 PM 

Woodbury Under Attack (Mature Content)
Current mood:  determined

Antihero Version

(For this particular story, and possibly for future ones at some other point in time, I plan on making the walkers a highly dangerous and serious threat again, instead of mere cannon fodder to be mowed down in seemingly countless numbers by gun wielding humans! They’ll be faster and stronger as well, not to mention more intelligent than ever before, so the days of humans mostly having their way with them are now over. There’ll also be some major and minor changes made to Woodbury and other places like Terminus too, in order to better fit my ideas into these stories.)

The Governor sighed deeply because for some reason he was feeling very uncomfortable right now, so even though his scouts had just returned from checking out the immediate surroundings for any possible threats, he at once sent several others in their place because clearly all was not as it seemed in Woodbury. His less than optimistic intuition had yet again paid off just then, because the scouts quickly returned with some very bad news to say the least. Over a thousand walkers were making their way ever so closer to Woodbury, and clearly the Governor knew no time could be wasted because literally every second now counted!

"Get the tank and all other available weapons ready. Make sure to surround Woodbury with every single fighter, and get everyone else inside the large building in the middle of town."

Merle quickly nodded while Martinez got inside the tank, and almost immediately the townspeople ran into the large concrete building which was complete with an underground bunker as well. There were no windows inside it but rather a huge, thick metal door which could be locked with a heavy duty deadbolt, thus making it extremely difficult for any number of biters to break through. The Governor took no chances whatsoever, because there was also a robust metal door with the same sturdy deadbolt which secured the basement entrance, meaning his people would pretty much always be safe while he and his fighters could focus on the task at hand. Hopefully sooner, rather than later he planned on completely surrounding Woodbury with either an electrified barbed wired fence, or tall and sturdy walls complete with a large metal gate so that people could come and go whenever necessary, and he also planned on putting up manned guard towers so that threats could be seen and perhaps taken care of from a relatively safe distance. However, all these things would take an ample amount of time, money and resources which he simply did not have at the moment, but Philip Blake did have one very nasty little trick up his sleeve for times like this, and he’d not hesitate to use it in order to protect his town from any and all dangers! The walkers were now in plain sight and Woodbury’s fate would soon be decided, but everyone was prepared to fight to the death as the Governor stood his ground alongside his male and female counterparts.

The Governor suddenly noticed something else happening just then, which caused him to curse out loud as he showed strong emotions for the first time since Woodbury came under threat from the biters.

"F***! Get those goddamn prisoners and send their sorry asses out there right now! I want six on each side with the tank in the middle."

Merle and several other fighters quickly nodded as they forcefully shoved a dozen prisoners out into the open, after giving them all some rather crude but nevertheless effective weapons to fight with, such as knives, swords, hatchets and so on, thus unleashing the Governor’s secret weapon of using human criminals as bait for the walkers! These vile and disgusting rapists and murderers had been recently captured by the Governor’s vigilante army, to be placed inside Woodbury’s prison and kept until such moments as this, so now the time had finally arrived to put these lowlife scumbags to good use! The biters forced the Governor’s hand by not attacking as one large and cohesive unit, to be easily mowed down by the tank and other weapons too, but rather they were all now spreading out to completely surround Woodbury, although the sudden appearance of those inmates did cause many walkers to change direction and head back to their original position. The tank opened fire as six prisoners on either side of it charged straight into the oncoming enemy, wildly swinging their weapons and taking out several dozen biters as well, but when one convict decided to turn around and run back to where Philip was standing, the ruthless leader simply smirked before shooting the worthless murderer in both legs, causing him to fall to the ground while screaming in agony as four biters literally tore him apart right then and there!

"F***ing punk got what he deserved. Alright, let’s move it!"

He now began screaming while mowing down one walker after another, for despite being a hero to his people the Governor still had an extremely violent dark side, for he showed no remorse nor even the slightest bit of pity as the walkers finally slaughtered the remaining inmates who’d been forced to do this highly aggressive man’s bidding! His men and women were quickly moving around in order to not get caught standing still in one place for too long, all while shooting their weapons as often as possible but eventually some deaths began occurring. The biters were faster and stronger, not to mention smarter than expected so they eventually moved beyond the tank’s effective range of fire, but the now deceased prisoners had effectively bought Woodbury enough time to properly defend itself from attack. All twelve convicts were at once shot through their heads after returning back from death as biters themselves, and the same thing applied for Philip’s dead soldiers because no one needed anymore enemies to deal with at the moment. Despite being nearly overrun and having their defenses breached, the Governor and his brave male and female combatants finally gained the upper hand as they slowly but surely drove the remaining horde of biters away from Woodbury. Victory was at last theirs but the cost had been truly high, for although over five hundred of the more than one thousand walkers lay dead all around the immediate outskirts of town, ten of the Governor’s thirty fighters had been killed in addition to all twelve prisoners as well, so needless to say no one wanted a repeat performance of the day’s very brutal, yet assuredly tragic events!

10/10/2024 06:05 PM 

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10/10/2024 06:01 PM 

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09/30/2024 09:15 PM 

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09/13/2024 08:08 PM 

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09/12/2024 11:14 PM 

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09/12/2024 09:25 PM 

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09/11/2024 02:43 PM 

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09/08/2024 12:16 PM 

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