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07/10/2022 01:45 PM
Admin + Rules
pronounce: he|him / she|her birthdate: 10th February 2001 age: 21
- You must be ooc 18+ (please tell me your ooc age before rping!)
- Don't take control over my character.
- Only roleplaying semi lit up to lit, third person. If you roleplay like this *hugs you* then I will kindly tell you that they should stay at text talk, I don't like to roleplay like that, I am sorry.
- Please no littles, crossdresser, abo, hybrids or anything supernatural. If you want to roleplay then please think about that I won't do this & it's totally fine if you don't want to roleplay anymore then.
- Understand that English isn't my first language, so mistakes are just mistakes and not forcefully done to annoy you.
- That doesn't mean though that I don't care about grammar etc. Typos are fine.
- Please, don't use "u", "r", "bcs", etc. during roleplaying.
- Please use any way to show that you talk ooc! I use as example this // before I write.
- Talk with me if you don't like something.
- I'm serious, please tell me if you are offline for a longer time and I will do so too. Because waiting is terrible and if we want our muses to have a connection then we need to work together on it and just disappearing and coming whenever you like doesn't help at all. If you have ooc a lot going on, just tell me. I can be very patient, but without telling me anything and coming back after weeks or months is a no-go.
- As well about deleting/disappearing and not coming back online. Not cool. Put always yourself in to that situation, how would you feel if people do that with you? It's not fun. At least give a heads up that you will be >deleting< , give some time to read and maybe talk in case we talked as well ooc.
- if you tend to be a person who just disappears and deletes whenever you want, DON'T talk/messages with my muse. He doesn't need to waste time on people who don't care about him enough to maybe take a break instead of straight of deleting. Like said, if you need time you are welcome to say it ooc, after all ooc life comes first, but don't just do this.
06/12/2022 08:43 PM
About Admin
๐๐๐๐๐ โ
Fast replies ( most of the time, serious bad for getting distracted) โ
British admin ( from the UK, GMT/BST timezone) โ
My other profile ( https://www.asianroleplay.com/yoongiagustd/ ) โ
1st & 3rd person ( either is fine with me) โ NO drama or bullsh*t ( x2 chances then reported & blocked) โ NO homophobic or transphobic bullsh*t (reported & blocked automatically) โ NO bullying of ANY form ( again, reported & blocked automatically) โ MDNI 18 - 21+ only ( sorry, not sorry, admin 28, no minors, no sketchy sh*t !!) โ Admin is friendly and discord available ( Discord is admin's personal - but mainly used for RP) โ Admin dissociates/zones out A LOT ( Sorry, if replies are a little all over the place) โ Admin has Anxiety, Depression & Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Please be patient, and thank you in advance) โ Admin will post trigger warnings ahead of any triggering/dark posts ( Always try my best) ๐ง PS. ๐ง โฏ IF there is any issues orquestions, etc, please don't be afraid to message me and we can sort something out, talk over any problems, and IF English is not /you're/ 1st language, please, just let me know. I am not a "grammer nazi" or anything, as long as there is - respect, communication and understanding, and we all try our best, Then I won't/don't have any issues or beef. Semi literate to literate, and multi para writer, but I always try to work with my writing partner(s), so we're both comfortable. All IC relationships are storyline/roleplay only, and IF multi-ship - then all au's are seperate. All OOC posts will be marked with some sort of symbol before like; ##, [] or //. ๐๐๐๐๐
admin blog, guidelines,
05/10/2022 05:01 PM
 DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information DETAILS. Information | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. | ……….... HEADCANONS - Headcanon
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05/04/2022 02:06 PM
Please give this a little read, thank you!
Current mood:
ABOUT ADMIN & RP RULES - || or () indicates - i'm talking or replying OOC
- From UK (GMT/BST time zone)
- I'm 28 irl, so 18+ (minimum), and 21+ preferred.
- I'm trangender (FTM), pronouns are he/him but they/them also acceptable
- LGBTQIA+ accepting and friendly.
- Gay and engaged irl, also have a daughter irl, so please bare with me - if I'm online but not replying
- I dissociate and zone out a lot, I also have complex post traumatic stress disorder and several other mental/physical health issues, so again - please bare with me - if I'm on but not replying or am slow with replies, i'm not the best at replying at times, please feel free to check in or remind me, i don't bite and thank you in advance.
- I do not and will not tolerate - homophobia, transphobia, racism, or any other form of bullying.
- I'm here for - fun and writing, creating storylines with an exception, potentionally also creating friendships, do not bother requesting me or keeping me around if you're just down for drama, cause that's not it for me, let's keep it fun, yeah?
- Do not and I repeat do not - nag and bitch if i don't reply straight away, as I said above, feel free to check in or just send me a little reminder. Do not be a d*ckhead, do not bother requesting or keeping me around if you're a minor, MDNI. I'm an adult and that sh*t in uncomfortable and weird, not to mention illegal.
- Do not godmod or control my character - Please, don't do this, in any way, that being said however, the O1 and ONLY exception to this rule (or to do with anything related to bullying) is PURELY if and when disccussed prior, for au/storyline reasons or angst, and literally, pre-discussed, otherwise HUGE NO-NO.
- If you're a d*ckhead - you'll be given O1 chance, then blocked/deleted and without hesitation. (This includes if you're disrespectful to friends/other roleplayers.)
- All characters I create are gay, it's nothing personal, if you're not cool with that or are a homophobic ass, kindly f*** off.
- Male x Female character friendships are still fine and accepted.
- Genres & Length: My favourite genres are - band/idol, Mafia, Casual, Supernatural, Crime, Dram, Fantasy and Romance (including - Smut - but with - build up to it/plot around it.) I am however, fairly open and down for pretty much anything. I do both, 1st and 3rd person narritave, semi lit to lit. I don't mind one liners but I can't really work with them (unless characterxcharacter are say.. texting or something). I prefer paragraphs, at least consisting of - 3 to 6+ lines of text worth, but whatever is more comfortable for you as a writing partner is also cool and greatly important. I'm not a huge grammer nazi, i'm bad for typos (especially when tired or zoned out) and accidents do happen but please try your best.
- My native/first language is - ENGLISH BUT I do understand that's not the case for everyone else, if your native/first language isn't English or you're English isn't great, just let me know.
- Communication and trouble shooting - If and BIG IF, you have any questions or issues, specifically in or with roleplay, please try your best to - pop up and tell me, and we can discuss things or clear up any issues. Communication and respect are KEY. Also, if the storyline is boring or not meshing together well, we can always discuss something else or just chat ooc/on feed, but again, please at least tell me. I don't bite, I'm pretty friendly but I don't tolerate or play well with - drama, bullsh*t or narcissistic a**holes, so let that be a warning that - I'm nice but have boundaries.
- Character relationships: This account is - Polyamourous accepting/friendly and MULTI-SHIP, meaning all character relationships (especially if - in a discord server) are seperate and, or, different au's/storylines. BIG IF, but if - you want me to put our relationship up on my page in some form, we can discuss that, I probably will. Please don't go - causing hate/drama or bitching, because I'm multi-ship. I get it's not everyones cupo of tea, and fyi, not all my characters are/will be multi ship. My character(s) are HELLA loyal, and usually, are only with O1 character BUT I can and will, change my character(s) as I wish and, or, see fit, so please - don't bitch or get pissy with me, if I change my character, in any way. Again - If you have any issues with multi ship or character shipping in general, positive or negative, or have questions about anything, then come at me with a little message but please try to be understanding and respectful, that's all I ask.
- You don't have to - comment or anything on this blog post, comments are disabled but please be mindful and try to understand or follow my rules. Let's create some awesome storylines and perhaps friendship, too.
Ps. I'll also probably edit this blog or whatever, as i seen fit, if and when needed.  
please read, rules, following, ooc, blog
01/01/2022 02:42 PM
Rules - read before adding!
Current mood:
0.Here I will let you know about my rules that you should read and agree to before roleplaying with me. I won't talk about myself as a person in this post, but oher than roleplaying, we can also chat OOC. I can be quite open and I would love to meet you personally, not only your character if you are down for it. ^^
1.If you want to write a romance roleplay with me, please note that you have to be at least 18 years old. (And I usually do romance, though with a good plot idea I enjoy other genres as well)
2.I mostly do MxM roleplays. That being said, I can rarely do FxM as well as FxF, just have a good idea for the story and it honestly depends on whether I feel it or not.
3.Acknowledge that English isn't my first language and even though I've been learning it almost my whole life, I can sometimes make mistakes. Its okay to correct me If you want to (I appreciate every possibility to improve) just don't be rude about it or let me know if it bothers you so we can decide not to roleplay.
4.If you don't want to continue our roleplay anymore - let me know. It happened to most of us, someone just one day disappeared and you have no idea what had happened. It's easier to just be notified that you don't want to do this anymore. It's normal and understandable. The same goes for the situation when you're not on for a long period of time and you can predict that (exams, traveling and so on and so forth...) let me know if you can. I am aware of the fact that there is a life other than this website and it can be unpredictable at times, but I would appreciate the effort and do the same in return. ;w;
5. I'm okay with mature content being included in our RP as long as it has a good plot to back it up and comes up naturally in our roleplay. I don't do strictly smutty ones lacking in plot. Oh, and of course if you are under 18 NSFW is out of the question (just like romance)
6.My profile picture usually is connected to the fandom I would like to focus on in my rp at the moment but if I post a picture from a serie, it doesn't mean I only roleplay with people also belonging to this fandom. It is just to let them know we are into the same things right now.
7.Just regulars: no God moding, no controlling my character and don't start our conversation by going straight into the roleplay. We need to talk it through first.
8.Have fun! It's just an imaginary story and letting out our creativity!
Heart it if you read it, it's crucial to me that people know what I expect from them as roleplay partners *u* 
12/23/2021 06:28 PM
The Dragon Royal Family
I have decided to look for some roles. Some of the roles have set faces that I have in mind. Dragon names are open for discussion if you want to change the name.
- The Dragon King - Dragon Name: Aimayss Face: up to you Age: Between 900 to 1,000 Short Summary He is King of the Dragon realm and husband of Laldrith. He is even the father of Ariess and Azir and step-father to Dymris. He is even the Older brother of Dummarri.
- The Dragon Queen - Dragon Name: Laldrith Face: up to you Age: Around 900 Short Summary Laldrith isn't of royal blood when she married the King of the Dragon realm she became Queen. She is the mother of Dymris and Azir and step-mother of Ariess.
- The Dragon Prince - (Taken) Dragon Name: Evrae Face: Jeon Jungkook Age: 596 Human age: 24 Short Summary Azir was born to the King and Queen of the Dragon Realm. He has two older half brothers by the name of Ariess and Dymris. While his older berother Ariess was crowned as the 'Crown Dragon Prince', he is known as simply as the 'Dragon Prince'. He is younger than Ariess by 3 and younger by Dymris by 4 years.
- Young Master - Dragon Name: Dymris Face: Min Yoon-gi Age: 600 Human Age: 28 Short Summary Dymris is the son of the Dragon Queen and step son of the Dragon King. He has 1 stepbrother by the name of Ariess, who is known as the Crown Prince. He even has 1 half-brother by the name of Azir who is known as the 'Dragon Prince'. Why both of royal titles, he is simply known as young master and has no claim to the thorne. He is also known as both his brothers keeper and was told to protect them even if his life depended on it. If anything where to happen to both his brothers and is stepfather, the thorne will go to his step-uncle and his family.
- The Uncle - Dragon Name: Dummarri Face: Up to you Age: 900 Short Summary Dummarri is the young brother of the King and the Uncle to Ariess and Azir and step-uncle to Dymris. Dummari secretly wants to be King and would do anything to take down his older brother and his own nephews if he has to in order to be King.
- The Aunt - Dragon Name: Sirrylth Face: Up to you Age: 890 Short Summary Unlike Laldrith, Sirrylth is a Dragon who came from the Mortal Realm. She's also of Royal blood, but her family line isn't really that well known or so she claims. Just like her husband, Dummarri, she longs to be Queen and have her son be the next King of the Dragons. Even if she has to take things into her own hands.
- The Cousin - Dragon Name: Dresud Face: Up to you Age: 599 Short Summary Dresud was born on the same year as Ariess, however, he is a week younger than him. Dresud hates his both of his cousins and step-cousin. He is known to be a spoiled brat and just like Dymris, he is also known as Young Master as his uncle didn't want him to have the title of Prince.
11/19/2021 07:56 PM
Plot ideas
STORYLINES IDEAS; Rashel & Night world Coming Soon. ***** Rashel & The Vampire Diaries
11/19/2021 07:20 PM
Hello! How are you? I just want to drop by and say thank you for adding/requesting me. I know everyone hates boring greeting comments, so I'm going to try to make this quick and painless. My names Rashel Jordan, but the Night people call me by a different name "The Cat" thanks to my excellent hunting skills. Anyway my character is base off the night world series by L.J Smith. Though I have altered her story to fit in with the following TVD, The Originals, Legacies. But I will cross her over to other supernatural verse as well. It's okay if you haven't heard of Night world, not a lot of people have. Now that we got that out of the way. I would love to get something going with you. if you are interested? send me message and we can get started. I'm looking forward to discussing an epic storyline together. - Rashel
11/17/2021 09:05 PM
SLAYER'S GUIDE; “Everyone generation a slayer is born.” l NOTICE AND DICLAIMER FIRST AND FOREMOST,the most important thing that you need to know is that, my character is Au and that she made for the new generation of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
 Well, let's get this party started shell we? The names Kaylee, and welcome to my rules. I MADE THESE RULES FOR A REASON. Because I had some issues in the past and decided to make these rules. READ THEM, LOVE THEM, FOLLOW THEM. ------------------------------------------------------------ OBVIOUSLY I'm not Nina Dobrev nor do I claim to be. I roleplay Kaylee Matherson an original character who the next generation of Slayer in the BTVS verse. REAL-LIFE PROBLEMS Shocking as it is folks, I do have a life outside of roleplaying that takes me away from this place. But don’t we all? But don’t get your boxers in a twist. I will not leaving you hanging. I always reply to those I owe. It just might take me a few days to do it.
MATURE CONTENT if you are not mature enough and can't handle the thmes such as gore, blood, cursing and things like that. if you don't want to be offended , then delete me now. NO GOD MODELING The only person who should be controlling my character is me and me alone. I will talk for my character, I will walk for my character. I can handle her perfectly fine thank you. I don’t need your help in roleplaying for her. You God model my character and I will delete you. It will typically end up in me messaging you about it to warn you, and then I'll probably delete you if you continue. Also another thing I want to point out is... Don't tell me what to do and who to talk to. or how many accounts I should have. I will delete you're sorry ass. This chick will not be told what do, by a man or anyone for that matter. You can try, but you'll get a one way ticket to being blocked. LOVE INTERESTS / CREEPERS At this momment in time Kaylee doesn't have a set interested. I'm open to have a love interested for her. ( she is straight. I'm not against people who like the same sex. I just don't see her swing that way.) As for the creepers are go. Do not message me saying " hey sexy, want to f***." Or "He sexy show me your tits." I'm not the type of person to throw myself at you. I’m classer then that and I will delete you. So refame from being that creeper.
COMMENTS / MESSAGES: Comments are for roleplaying ONLY. Message are for discussing epic plots together. Do not sent me starter through a message. It will likely get lost.
THAT'S ALL FOR NOW, MY Lovies! I may add more if I think of it later, so please check back if I post a status to let everyone know I've edited these. To prove to me that you've read these rules. (Leave a funny gift so I know that you have read and understand these rules of mine.)
After you've signed these, message/comment me so that we can get a storyline discussion going! There are lots of epic-storylines we can come up with to.
09/21/2021 09:22 PM
Powers and Abilities:
As the daughter of the Titans Atlas and Pleione , Calypso was "a goddess of strange power" she is also known as a nymph to conceal her identity. - Mystiokinesis: Calypso can cast and manipulate powerful magic, though her ability is less powerful than Hecate. Her magic is mainly directed through song.
- Vitakinesis:: Calypso possesses healing powers through singing a song of enchantment.
- Immortality Bestowal: Calypso can grant the gifts of immortality and eternal youth to whoever she chooses.
- Aerokinesis: Calypso can control and manipulate the the air to certain extent.
- Technokinesis: Calypso can construct and manipulate technology through magic, such as active machines.
- Telekinesis
- Curses: Calypso can cast powerful curses.
- Phrophecy: Through her magic, she can see the past.
- Territorial Jurisdiction: Through the curse of the gods, Calypso was the absolute ruler of Ogygia. She could banish powerful beings like Gaea from her island and call the magical raft to allow her visitors to leave, except for herself.
- Weaving: she spent literally thousands of years practicing at the loom.
- Lock-Picking: Calypso has the ability to undo any lock using pins, since it wasn't too different from weaving thread in a loom.
- Multilingualism: Calypso demonstrated numerous times that she is able to speak, understand, and communicate in a variety of languages, including Ancient Greek, Minoan, and English.
- Gardening: Perhaps her greatest skill, Calypso is a passionate and heavily experienced gardener, including rare flowers like moonlace.
- Immortality
09/11/2021 06:07 PM
I donโt feel so goodโฆ
What am I supposed to do with you? Why did you hurt me? I let the rest go. So why this? Why now?
why am I suddenly crying again and again? I'm not the type of man to lose sight and cry like this. I'm not the type to pathetically curl up and wish I was not me. But I am now. It's not entirely on you. I've just been broken so many times. But we were doing so well. I was doing so well. I had plans. I was sure. I was confident. I was free. I was loved. Or so I thought I was..so why? Why now? In one of my best moments? One of our best moments? Why?
i tried so hard. All for you. For me. For us...
09/01/2021 05:22 AM
The day will passโฆ
Current mood:
The day will pass. Eventually I’ll fall back to sleep. Or will I continue to stay awake to experience these overdramatized emotions. When will this pass? When will this come again? I feel like a rotting fruit that has never truly gotten the chance to ripen. If I continue to give my all, what’s left? If I stop. If I fall. If I disappear, will I mean something? Or will my value continue to deteriorate? I can’t meet those expectations. I can’t fill those shoes. I can’t always uphold who I tried to be. I’m weak. I’m complicated. I’m sorry. I’m not excused. I’m not dismissed from my actions or words. I won’t ask for leniency. Can I even ask for the soft touch of support? Affection? Or a single glance of affirmation? My head aches. My body is sore. My chest feels weak. As if my heart is taking its last pumps of blood. Slowly. Painfully. I haven’t written in so long. But all is fair when no one reads my words anyways…
08/09/2021 02:55 PM
We Wear Our Stories.
A few opening words...
Every show is personal. Every picture tells a story. So why did I pick this theme, take all these pictures and put them together and invite people to come look at them? I gotta go back a few years to explain this choice. When I was younger I found body art, art in general interesting yes but it wasn’t something I saw as a career. It’s known amongst those I’m closest to that I used to be in med school. I was on track to be a physician. Then one stormy night everything changed.
I don’t talk about it too much but I lost a lot that night. I didn’t even know until later just how much. Even now it’s still tough to talk about it because I don’t remember everything. It’s blurry pictures in my mind and sometimes I’m not sure what order they belong in. Long story short, stick to the facts as they were told to me, my sis and I were in a car crash. It was dark and rainy. The roads were slick and we'd been drinking. The reason it's important, because I'm not looking for sympathy, because of the trauma to my brain everything changed. Once I recovered, re-learned a lot, I was different, what I wanted was different, less structured and more meaningful. That's when I started getting ink. To keep the things I remember with me because everything I looked at I wanted to know that story. Of course the other change was leaving med school and enrolling in art school so I could learn everything about photography.
Many know my specialty is abandoned places. Decay. Graffiti. These things fascinate me because again, so many stories. So the natural progression is tattoos and why this ink at this time in this place. People have different reasons, I can't tell you every detail, you have to look at them because they speak for themselves. Title: The First Model: Katsurล Title: Ever Expanding  Model: Katsurล Title: Hidden Model: Masuji Title: Revelation Model: Masuji Title: Reflection Model: Masuji Title:Pensive Model: Masuji
Title: The Clown Model: Yoshiatsu Title: Just a Moment Model: Yoshiatsu Title: For the Recollection Model: Yoshiatsu
Title: Baby Girl Model: Wren Title: Complete Model: Wren
Title: Butterfly  Model: Yuh Title: Tapestry Model: Haku Title: Waking 
Model: Heidi Title: Chaotic Model: Emily Title: Vixen 
Model: Vanessa Title:Destruction Model: Nameless