Woodbury vs. Terminus (Prelude) (Mature Content) Category: Stories
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Rebecca didn’t know it just yet, but she was now the very first human who had actually become immune to the much dreaded walker virus, however at the same time this did not come without a price either, due to another sickness taking its place without her even realizing the drastic changes until it was far too late. The sanguine virus would eventually overtake Rebecca’s formerly normal human body, giving her incredible strength along with other abilities greatly beyond the range of anything ever experienced by people in general, yet also forcing her to consume vast quantities of blood in order to survive in this cruel and unforgiving world, for she was not invincible and could most certainly perish as well, but thankfully her strong mental prowess and high moral code of honor meant that she would never abuse said powers by murdering those who were innocent. Only the guilty deserved such harsh punishment for their evil crimes committed against humanity, yet first she had to survive being held prisoner in the less than pleasant confines of a Terminus train car, while Gareth sadistically, yet also calmly began executing people in cold blood, and her unfortunate parents would soon be the next ones to die! Should Rebecca somehow manage to escape, then perhaps there would still be hope for humanity after all, and the tide would finally be turned against not only walkers, but also wicked people who sought nothing less than the complete destruction of whatever peace still remained in society!
Rebecca Chambers had barely managed to escape being horribly butchered at the hands of the demented Gareth and his equally insane people at Terminus, but before that happened she was forced to watch her parents being bled out while slowly getting their throats sliced wide open as well! A dozen others suffered the same fate in order to provide these wretched cannibals with fresh human meat for consumption, yet Gareth made one mistake by forcing Rebecca to watch while he held her at gunpoint, because she was the youngest captive and he wanted to inflict as much mental trauma on her as possible, before saving her for the last victim. However, she instead began running away which caused him to curse out loud, and even though he could have shot her dead on the spot, in his twisted and warped mind her meat was the freshest out of them all, and by shooting her with bullets it would have ruined the sweet taste of delicious flesh! Gareth was not too worried about the situation though, and he even told his guards to hold off following her for just a little while longer. Several of them protested but he simply smiled before speaking in a calm and almost bored voice.
"Don’t worry, everything’s just fine. Besides, I haven’t played this little game in quite some time. Sure why not? Let’s give her maybe an hour or so, then you two go hunt the stupid bitch down and bring her back to me. She’s just a kid and also, there’s no help around for many miles either, so we’ll let her sweat it out for a bit but soon enough, she’ll be carved up then served to all of us on our dinner table."
Gareth had far more important things to do than worry about some teenager getting away right now, and as he watched so many dead people being dismembered with great efficiency by his fellow male and female cannibals, he made sure everything went smoothly but finally those two trackers were sent out to find Rebecca. These were his best men whenever it came to finding and returning human prey, so if those damn walkers didn’t get her then she was as good as his after all was said and done.
Philip Blake could be mentally disturbed and highly unstable at times, but when it came to knowing right from wrong his head was always completely clear no matter what, and such was the case right now because two Terminus hunters had just been captured by the Governor’s vigilante fighters, and needless to say they would never make it back to see Gareth again! Rebecca had came across these Woodbury residents less than an hour ago, and despite being extremely scared and highly upset to say the least, this brave young woman managed to tell everyone what happened to her and those other unfortunate people, so it was no surprise that zero mercy would be shown the moment Gareth’s thugs fell into the wrong hands. The Governor’s soldiers all turned their backs on them and that even included Philip too, because they were utterly disgusted by these completely worthless people and also, they wanted to stand guard while Rebecca Chambers exacted her violent revenge. Wrists and ankles tightly bound together by rope, it was now payback time as the first man’s eyes became wide with fear, for already Rebecca had a blowtorch in hand and she wasted no time in using it on this heinous excuse for a human being! The man’s screams fell upon deaf and uncaring ears, as private parts and other areas of his body were burned beyond recognition by this now cold and remorseless female. Rebecca continued to slowly melt flesh from bone as her victim puked while also vomiting blood all over the place, until finally death arrived after even more torture continued for what seemed like an eternity. She then smiled evilly while steadily approaching the second man, and he had very good reason to be frightened because the Governor’s people had many kinds of wicked and dangerous weapons, such as this blowtorch which Rebecca absolutely enjoyed wielding and would not hesitate to use again!
"No no lady, please God please! Please don’t kill me! Wait, you’re that Governor guy right? Listen, I’m sorry! So truly sorry for also killing your people too! We didn’t mean to but well, you know, Gareth doesn’t care who he murders in cold blood!"
Now it was Philip Blake’s turn to become extremely upset just then, because he’d indeed been missing several Woodbury citizens after they’d mysteriously disappeared from town awhile back, and upon seeing his highly agitated state of mind Rebecca knew that he now felt her pain too. These people were family to him and she truly felt sorry for poor Philip, so this time it was she who turned her back on the second captive because the Governor deserved some much needed revenge of his own! He glared at the pleading Terminus resident who continued begging for forgiveness, but soon those pitiful cries turned into screams as Philip began slowly and methodically shooting the man with his .44 magnum revolver. The torture continued as the victim’s legs and arms were struck one at a time by four separate bullets, while the fifth one destroyed the whimpering male’s penis and testicles, causing him to vomit and also puke blood before Philip raised the gun into the air, squeezing the last shot off as he fiendishly smiled at the vile cannibal!
"Silly me, looks like I wasted a bullet there. Was going to blow your f***ing brains out, but I’ve got a much better idea. Merle? Where’s that damn hacksaw? Oh thank you my good sir!"
Merle smiled sadistically as he handed the Governor the sharp and deadly weapon, which the Woodbury leader quickly proceeded to use as he began cutting the already dying man’s head off, sawing through flesh and bone while blood and gore splattered everywhere until finally, decapitation was at last complete before Philip slowly stood back up again.
"After what those goddamn bastards done to poor Rebecca’s parents, along with everyone else they butchered like animals, including some of my own people too, no mercy shall be shown and I’ll not rest until every last one of them are dead! We go back to Woodbury and gather up all our soldiers, then bring the tank along with us and we hit Terminus hard and fast! Nothing less than the total annihilation of Gareth and his people will do, so we go in and kill them all! Anyone tries to surrender, we torture then skin them alive before cutting their f***ing heads off!"
No one had ever seen the Governor this angry and upset before, but his male and female fighters cheered wildly and applauded him after hearing such a powerful and intense speech like that, and soon enough Terminus would become a f***ing bloodbath of utter carnage and savage butchery!