Massacre at Daniel Boone National Forest (Mature Content) Category: Stories
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(Human Version: Get ready for some mindless violence and intense gore as Nari and her significant other, who was just made up for this particular story, join the ever increasing ranks of dead Dogman victims, although as we’ll eventually see, many of these horrific incidents could have most likely been prevented if a certain someone actually cared about his fellow humans out there! There’s been a lot dogman sightings in this particular area, so enjoy this over the top carnage and have a great day my friends!)
Nari and her boyfriend Jacob were both nature lovers who decided to spend several days camping at the Daniel Boone National Forest, located in eastern Kentucky so after packing up they made the twenty mile drive from their apartment to the administration office, where they could sign up and also get some helpful hints from one of the game wardens there as well, but strangely enough the door had somehow been violently removed from its hinges, and was currently located several feet away on the ground, while signs of a savage struggle along with massive blood loss were no doubt clearly evident before their very eyes, causing them to suddenly begin panicking as they looked around from side to side, until finally Jacob began throwing up after making the mistake of stepping inside the office, for half a dozen people had been brutally slaughtered and what little remained of them were now scattered all over the floor, their mostly eaten bodies a clear sign that these two young people should leave the scene of carnage without any second thoughts! Jacob however, was in no condition to even move after passing out from extreme shock and loss of bodily fluids, while Nari only fared slightly better as she too, began vomiting but still remained alert enough to consider her next move, which involved splashing cold water on Jacob’s face until he finally opened his eyes and started screaming, which also caused Nari to cry out in a much louder than usual voice, and this carried on for several seconds until another, far more powerful sound could be heard coming from the nearby heavily forested area!
The unnerving howls continued at an even greater intensity than before, steadily coming closer while Nari and Jacob simply could not move after becoming quiet due to sheer fright, yet by the time they snapped out of it a large, powerful looking figure could be both seen and heard as the bloodthirsty animal, for this was not a werewolf, moved around from behind their parked vehicle, running its fairly long and very sharp claws down the right side of the now damaged car, all while looking directly into the eyes of these two doomed and extremely frightened humans! The alpha male Dogman seemed to be holding back for whatever reason, remaining by the car while saliva continued dripping down the mouth of this blood and gore covered creature, which in turn allowed Nari and Jacob to make a run for it out the front door, only for the unsuspecting male to have his stomach ripped open after the alpha female attacked him at the building’s rear area, snarling with great anticipation for even more raw, human flesh to greedily consume as she easily disemboweled Jacob alive, putting out intestines and other internal organs while Nari started screaming at the top of her lungs, until the male Dogman suddenly sank his powerful teeth directly into her left shoulder, ripping the entire arm off with several quick shakes of his large, wolflike head as blood began spraying across his face and chest as well! These intimidating, fully grown creatures were jet black in color, possessing an incredibly powerful build and they could either move about on all fours or do so upright, sometimes preferring to hunt at night while on other occasions attacking during the daylight hours instead, and such was the case right now as the second part of these brazen, early afternoon November butchery continued under clear skies at Jacob and Nari’s expense!
Jacob’s head was then decapitated with barely any effort on the alpha female Dogman’s part, for she stood nine feet tall and weighed nine hundred pounds while her mate was even larger, at ten feet and one thousand pounds as Nari’s painful tears kept on flowing down her increasingly pale face, no doubt due to far too much blood loss as Jacob’s entire body was ripped apart by the female creature, for these two respective pack leaders took great joy in making their human victims suffer excruciatingly painful deaths, and it was not until Jacob had been nearly completely eaten that the male finally ended Nari’s unbearable agony for good, by biting her head clean off while its right hand reached inside to remove the dying female’s still beating heart, and after both humans were then consumed the animals began destroying the building and any vehicles in their immediate surrounding area, using sheer bulk and immense power to wreak havoc in order to leave a dire warning behind, the severely damaged objects conveying little doubt regarding the future fate of those foolish enough to venture either close by, or directly into this formidable pack’s vast and fiercely defended territory!
The sadistic commanding officer in charge of government cleanup regarding cryptid attacks, one arrogant and heartless Major General Steven Anthony Michaels, looked on with great pride at the grisly scene which presented itself to both him and his men, for he literally held many innocent civilian lives in the palm of his very hands, yet chose to simply look the other way as one instance after another, Dogman and other such entities added even more victims to their insatiable lust for both the flesh and blood of human beings, while the blame was always shifted to bears, mountain lions, wolves, tragic accidents, violent human predators, and in this case bad weather itself, because very shortly after the massacre happened a severe storm swept through the area, and of course it was an intense and powerful tornado which destroyed the administration building and any nearby vehicles, along with ending the lives of those poor and unfortunate people, including Nari and Jacob as Michaels made sure to forcefully drive this point across, while leaving absolutely no debate as to what would happen to anyone foolish enough to question the official explanation. Mainstream media and local law enforcement quickly fell in line just like they always did, so after the cleanup was complete General Michaels ended up keeping any important evidence for himself, thus adding to his already impressive private collection of macabre memorabilia, while cryptids such as the Kentucky Dogman continued with their merciless attacks upon unsuspecting men, women, even children whose lives were deemed utterly expendable by the heartless ones in charge!