Missing 411 Part One: Sadistic Intentions (Mature Content) Category: Stories
Current mood:

(Wendigo Version: Nari takes advantage of these unfortunate young people’s innocence and naivete, because she wants to consume their tender flesh which would only make her even more powerful over time as well! This is the first of my occasionally connected 411 stories, so hopefully this will all turn out quite nicely. These sadistic cryptids continue having an absolute field day at people’s expense, thanks to the arrogant and nihilistic commanding officer in charge of a so called military cryptid investigation/task force, because he only desires destruction and will do whatever it takes to completely f*** up any proper investigations of these horrific events!)
"You have your orders Colonel! We’re to simply remove any potential evidence after the fact, if at all possible that is, while also making sure everyone else falls in line with official explanations regarding said events, do I make myself clear?"
Major General Steven Anthony Michaels knew full well that there was an active Wendigo in the general vicinity of Ogden, Utah right now, but his cold and callous nature, coupled with an overwhelming desire for human suffering at the hands of such cruel and remorseless entities, once again prevented those under him from possibly saving even more innocent victims from being savagely torn apart by these vicious cryptids, so the well meaning Colonel sighed deeply before slowly nodding then slamming the door behind him, after giving his commanding officer a few rather dirty looks as well. Michaels could give less that a flying f*** what anyone else thought though, because he loved playing God when it came to his fellow human beings, and absolutely salivated at the prospect of this particular Wendigo causing at least some havoc much sooner, rather than later!
Sealed Fates:
The three young people were now trapped inside their vehicle after it had suddenly broken down outside of Ogden, but to make matters even worse this also took place at one in the morning as well, thus leaving them in complete darkness save for their flashlights and the rather weak glow of a barely visible moon, which was a result of heavy cloud cover that would not be clearing up until the following afternoon, yet for the next several minutes they failed to notice how eerily quiet everything had gotten, even after rolling down the windows in order to get some much needed fresh air, for their only concern was trying to crank the car back up right then and there, but eventually they finally stopped after realizing that the current situation might indeed be more serious than previously considered, because the utter lack of any sound along this dark and creepy country road made them take notice, as the oldest cousin looked at his two younger female relatives, no doubt feeling somewhat nervous and more than a little concerned as he began talking to them.
"We’ll be just fine, please don’t worry alright? See, I’ve still got cell phone service even all the way out here, so let me call my parents and they should be on their way as soon as possible."
His two other cousins quickly nodded and were greatly relieved to hear this, but before he could use the phone someone else began calling for help, pleading in a monotone and robotic sounding female voice, lacking the normal amount of emotion one might expect under such a usually very stressful situation.
"Help me. Someone please help me. Help me. Someone please help me."
Brad raised an eyebrow as he looked at Amy and Tiffany, who also seemed more confused than anything else, but soon enough he managed to convince them that there was nothing wrong with simply going to make sure this person was okay.
"Here’s my phone, so go ahead and call them while I check this out. There’s another flashlight in the glove compartment, so feel free to use it if you’d like. I’ll be back soon, alright?"
The girls didn’t sound too happy about this, but they both slowly nodded even though all three of them agreed that this person should have sounded more emotional for sure, but then again, sometimes people reacted differently when it came to needing help, so perhaps the poor girl was just in shock and couldn’t put too much emphasis into speaking more urgently like that, but after Brad exited the vehicle the young women made sure to lock all the doors, while also rolling the windows back up as Amy called his parents and waited for them to answer.
Brad didn’t have to walk too far though, because merely one hundred feet away from the broken down vehicle he saw something moving from behind a large oak tree, which definitely made him pick up the pace because surely it was the injured girl signalling for help, but after arriving at the sight his blood instantly ran cold, for the emotionless sounding voice was now coming directly behind him, in the opposite direction from where he’d sworn it had been only moments earlier!
"Help me. Someone please help me. Help me. Someone please help me."
Those were the last words Brad ever heard, as Nari’s long and sharp claws suddenly ripped through his back, literally impaling him alive while she slowly tilted her head from side to side, before callously lifting the shocked young man high into the air, pressing her deformed deer head right against his, until finally the vile demonic creature’s sharp teeth began dismembering him without a second thought, as they easily crushed through bones, removing Brad’s arms and legs from their respective sockets, until only a wretchedly butchered torso was left pitifully writhing on the cold, hard ground!
"Tiffany, please come help me. I can’t move this poor girl all by myself. Please, come help me."
Once again Nari’s monotone and robotic sounding voice rang out from the nearby woods, this time in a male’s as she spoke with very little if any emotion whatsoever, yet somehow Tiffany became convinced that her cousin Brad needed immediate assistance, so she quickly left the vehicle while promising Amy that everyone would be alright, and not to worry because surely two people would be able to bring the girl to safety much easier than simply one, so with that in mind she hugged her younger cousin before leaving the vehicle, but Amy had very good reason to believe that all was not as it seemed, yet maybe soon enough everything would be over and they could finally leave this disturbing looking place for good.
"Brad, where are you at? I can’t see very well, even with this flashlight!"
"I’m over here cousin. Just follow the sound of my voice."
Tiffany really did feel as though something was most definitely off with Brad’s voice, but then again he had a scared young woman to deal with right now, so she quickly nodded and continued following the sound of that flat and seemingly uninterested manner of speech, but her confusion then turned to sheer horror upon seeing Brad’s mutilated, mostly eaten body impaled upon a nearby tree branch!
"I’m right here cousin."
Nari’s warm and foul breath could now be felt across Tiffany’s neck and shoulders, which caused the very frightened girl to jump back in shock, as she smacked her head against the wendigo’s putrid looking bony stomach, which then caused it to lean down and rip Tiffany’s own stomach apart with blood covered claws, disemboweling her alive as Nari began feasting on intestines and other internal organs such as the liver and kidneys, while the dying human soon faded away into permanent oblivion!
Amy was so happy to see Brad’s parents pulling up alongside the broken down vehicle, and after they got out she quickly explained the situation to them, and it was agreed upon that the police should be called right then and there, but Nari’s emaciated, eight foot tall grotesque figure suddenly appeared from behind the three unsuspecting humans, her gore stained claws slashing up and down, also back and forth as the adults were mercilessly torn apart in front of the screaming young woman, who mercifully fainted at the unfathomable sight unfolding before her very eyes! The female Wendigo continued savagely dismembering them until a rancid pile of ripped skin, broken bones and raw meat was left for her to consume, and after doing so she then dragged the currently unconscious, but soon to be forcefully awoken Amy into the woods, before skinning her alive as agonizing screams could be heard throughout the surrounding area, thus adding to the ever growing amount of slain victims for Nari to devour!
The three teenagers and two adults were never found by any search parties, in no small part due to General Michaels quickly closing off the crime scene while also getting rid of whatever evidence remained, and it was only then that the general public was even made aware of these tragic disappearances, as unanswered questions would never be properly acknowledged, but local law enforcement promised everyone that they’d continued searching for the heartless, cruel human criminals responsible for these seemingly random abductions, because of course it was the only official explanation and whoever challenged it would find themselves either greatly ridiculed or perhaps even behind bars, no doubt for obstructing justice as the blatant lies steadily increased without any end in sight!