Ode to Slaughtered Biters (Mature Content) Category: Stories
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(Woodbury defends itself from an attack by a herd of biters, with devastating results to say the least! Featuring my female OC Walking Dead Governor, Sae Nan Seul.)
Bullet through the f***ing head, Brains blown out at point blank range. Splattering gore and shattered bones, All over the goddamn ground! Biters surrounding Woodbury, Getting mowed down with ease, By the Governor and her people, Who show no mercy whatsoever!
Dozens of Sae’s loyal soldiers, Standing side by side as they fight, While the herd steadily becomes smaller, Their f***ing heads exploding everywhere, Until very few of them remain standing! She then takes a large butcher knife, And begins stabbing them through the skull, Laughing insanely as they collapse at her feet!
Several hundred biters completely wiped out, By Woodbury’s highly determined combatants, A goddamn massacre as the roles are reversed, With the undead rather than humans perishing, Through sheer brutality and nerves of steel, Exhibited by all involved at this moment in time! Taking the fight to these repugnant enemies, A motherf***ing day of reckoning indeed!