Reflections of Psychotic Retribution (Mature Content) Category: Stories
Current mood:

(So those Terminus cannibals want to play rough? Well then, so can Woodbury as Sae’s rage becomes more than a matter of simple personal vengeance! Again featuring my female OC Walking Dead Governor, Sae Nan Seul.)
A homicidal young woman, Her anger directed against Gareth, Wanting revenge for what he’d done, To several of her unfortunate people. All kidnapped then heinously murdered, Before being eaten both raw and cooked! This simply cannot be allowed to stand, So Woodbury prepares for brutal revenge, On these pathetic motherf***ing cannibals! She finally returns the favor on Terminus, By kidnapping several who ventured too close, As the hostile female begins slowly torturing them, By methodically burning their flesh from bone, Using a blowtorch while they scream in agony! Human bodies cooked alive as Sae continues, Giving them a taste of their own f***ing medicine! She then proceeds to cut them all apart, With her chainsaw as blood, gore and brain matter, Along with other less than pleasant body parts, Soon cover the ground along with burned remnants, Of cannibals who ended up pushing her much too far! Soon Woodbury will attack Terminus without warning, And turn the compound into a motherf***ing bloodbath, Before cutting Gareth’s goddamn head off for good measure!