They Mean Nothing Whatsoever! (Mature Content) Category: Stories
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(A non-Walking Dead story with Sae as a female bounty hunter in New Mexico territory, circa 1878 as four outlaws find out the hard way that certain women are not to be f***ed with!)
The first man had his f***ing head blown off, By both rounds from her double barrel shotgun, The now lifeless body gushing forth blood, Falling to the floor as people begin screaming, From inside the saloon but the second outlaw, Was much too slow on the draw just then, As she puts a round straight through his neck, Then another into the outlaw’s f***ing brain, Having already discarded the empty shotgun, In exchange for her equally lethal revolver! Two men are dead and a third quickly follows, Being shot in the back by the merciless female, After turning to flee from this skilled gunslinger, Multiple bullets putting an end to his worthless life, As the final outlaw raises her hands in surrender, Only to take two rounds through her f***ing eyes, Brain matter and gore splattering everywhere, No mercy being shown by one woman to another! Four goddamn pieces of pathetic human sh*t, Lives easily snuffed out without a second thought, By this cold and cruel young woman called Sae, As she collects the bounties on their dead bodies, Before drinking more whiskey like nothing even happened, A fitting end to such murderous scum of the old west!