Those Wayward Souls

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01/11/2025 02:48 PM 

Negan and Arat: Judgment Day (Mature Content)
Category: Stories
Current mood:  vehement

(Obviously this is all much different than from what actually happened in the show, but it’s still a very nice way to finally let off some damn f***ing steam!)

Negan: Time to do this f***ing sh*t the right way, by permanently getting rid of some goddamn sh*t stains upon society, courtesy of the much needed, no doubt highly appreciated help of the lovely Miss Arat, who is not only my right hand woman, but the oh so soon to be second in command of these goddamn Saviors! That’s right you three worthless little sacks of sh*t, this ain’t the f***in’ show nor is it the comics either, so there won’t be any second chances or lucky breaks like oh, let’s see, some cowardly a**hole putting faulty ammunition in all our weapons! Nope, that sh*t don’t fly around here, because yours truly already knew what the deal was even before it actually happened, so Arat my dearest, please teach these spineless traitors a lesson in what takes place, when you’re f***ing stupid enough to cross the boss!

Negan had a lot taken out of him during his violent fight with Simon only minutes earlier, but he was done playing games with people because very shortly, three more traitors were going to pay dearly for turning their backs on the Saviors. Eugene, Dwight, and Gregory had been locked up in a cell together, while Negan slowly shook his head in disgust before giving Lucille to Arat.

"Listen up you three sorry pieces of sh*t! I’ll deal with you all.... no wait scratch that. Miss Arat here will deal with you all much sooner, rather than later, because from now on she’ll be second in command, seeing as how none of these goddamn men can ever be trusted to follow f***ing orders anymore!"

Negan smiled cruelly as the helpless males began pleading for mercy, but then things went from very bad to far worse as he mentioned something else before leaving.

"Oh and one more thing. All prisoners and traitors will be at the complete mercy of Arat, starting right about.... now! Hey don’t come crying to me, because I’m not the one in charge of this stuff anymore."

Negan shrugged his shoulders then mockingly held up his hands as if surrendering.

"Sorry, nothing I can do to help you out now, because Arat here is calling all the shots. What a bunch of goddamn pussies! I put a sweet little woman in charge and everyone freaks the f*** out. Oh well, later chumps and by the way, my thirsty girl Lucille has been long overdue for a few drinks, if you know what I mean."

Negan smirked then turned his back on the trio of terrified men, leaving them for Arat to massacre as he went to clean up before getting a much needed, no doubt well deserved rest, but today’s less than positive events had actually taught him a very important lesson. Never again would he put the weight of the entire Saviors on his shoulders, because that only caused even more unnecessary stress, which he simply could not afford to endure any longer! Arat was now basically his equal in almost every single way, except for whatever decisions which he might need to make by himself, yet at the same time Negan trusted her judgment and knew that she would never let him down, no matter what.

Arat glared at the begging traitors as she pointed Lucille at them. Negan could give less than a flying f*** about those cocksucking pricks, because right now the only thing on his mind was taking a nice, hot shower before enjoying a delicious meal, then getting a whole lot of f***ing sleep as well! A sudden, yet also sickening crack across Dwight’s skull dropped him straight to the floor, as Lucille began unleashing carnage upon all three worthless excuses for men, one by one while Arat glared at them evilly, without so much as once showing even the slightest bit of remorse. Taking out the main and only serious threat first, over and over she violently drove the barbed wire weapon against Dwight’s skull, reducing that particular part of his body to nothing more than mush, as brain matter and gore completely covered the front end of Negan’s prized possession! Dozens of wicked blows further decimated the already dead man’s horribly abused body, while Gregory and Eugene could only look on in horror, tears flowing down their frightened faces before they started pleading for their very lives!

"Who do you think found out about this in the first place? I’m the one who told Negan about your cowardly betrayal, so that only makes what’s happening here all the more exhilarating and enjoyable for me!"

Gregory was next to have his f***ing brains bashed in by Arat and Lucille, as the smiling female was truly beginning to love every single moment of this, while even more brain matter and pulverized bones splattered onto both Arat and the whimpering Eugene, yet she did not mind getting covered from head to toe in the gore of slain victims, as her blood stained face then pointed the infamous bat at Eugene!

"Goddamn lying piece of sh*t! I know all about your past, and how you ended up getting so many people brutally killed, in order to find a nonexistent cure. This right here, will be especially relished until the very last breath leaves your pitiful body!"

Taking her sweet time, Arat first struck Eugene repeatedly across the stomach, before doing the same to his back, arms, legs, and also chest as the slow, methodical torture continued. Prolonging his suffering for seemingly an eternity, Arat finally ended it all by bashing Eugene’s skull in, as the entire floor of the jail cell was now soaked in blood, along with other less than pleasant bodily fluids as well! She of course, was rather exhausted after having expended so much energy like that, but this had ended up becoming her finest hour and Arat was now on complete par with Negan, for no longer was she simply his right hand woman, but rather a very strong second in command and occasionally, whenever he was in the mood for it, the outright leader of this notorious group of men and women known as the Saviors!


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