Maggie Rhee: Leader Turned Vigilante (Mature Content) Category: Stories
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(Things were, of course, drastically changed from what actually happened in the show, but needless to say Maggie feels so much better right now, after first siding with Oceanside before finally settling the score with a certain individual!)
Maggie Rhee smiled sadistically as she looked at her brand new crowbar, and the potentially deadly weapon would most definitely be put to very good use soon, for a certain person would be paying dearly for taking not only her beloved husband Glenn, but also her close friend Abraham from the lives of those who loved and cherished them like family, which no doubt included herself as well!
Maggie Rhee had slowly but surely turned into a more ruthless and vindictive person than before, even taking some satisfaction in watching that worthless piece of sh*t Gregory suffering and struggling in vain, while trying to escape from the tightly secured rope around his neck, kicking and screaming until the final breath left his cowardly body for all to see, as both Rick and Michonne watched on with shocked expressions upon their faces, yet this was only the beginning of this highly traumatized Hilltop leader’s merciless vendetta against her sworn enemies, as she joined forced with Oceanside in order to hunt down and massacre several of the notorious Saviors as well, after they’d first executed Justin and Arat for taking part in the savage butchery of Oceanside’s male population! Soon enough those things had indeed been accomplished, with Maggie providing additional support while Beatrice and company did the vast majority of the damage, as they finally avenged their fallen husbands and lovers. Meanwhile, Daryl had more or less washed his hands of everything, opting to stay out of this until Maggie finished doing whatever she had in mind, but then again he wasn’t exactly protesting her vigilante actions too much either.
The horrible memories of watching her defenseless father being slaughtered by the maniacal Governor, in addition to seeing the love of her life so coldly and cruelly beaten to death, unfortunately by none other than Negan himself, along with losing her precious half sister Beth along the way, all served to at last push Maggie over the edge, causing her to pick up a crowbar before confronting Negan inside his prison cell! Michonne had argued and did her best to convince Maggie otherwise, but she finally relented and allowed her deeply troubled friend into the somewhat uncomfortable jail.
"So you can be with your wife?"
She snickered as the pathetic excuse for a formerly powerful leader begged and pleaded with her to kill him right now, explaining that he no longer had anything to live for and would be better off dead, because it would mean reuniting with the only woman he’d ever truly loved.
Maggie looked down on the wretched shell of a man whom she’d so easily overpowered, dragging him out of the cell and into the middle of the more exposed area right outside it, so he could get on his knees and whimper like the f***ing coward he’d always been, ever since the very beginning! She considered sparing Negan because he actually seemed worse off than dead in some ways, but as she turned and began walking away, all she saw was Glenn’s battered face as blood gushed forth from savage wounds. Also Abraham too! Maggie could never forget what happened to her dear friend, for he suffered terribly just as Glenn did, and the thought of this psychotic, remorseless madman literally beating them both to a bloody mess became too much for her to endure any longer!
"Then go be with your wife!"
Maggie suddenly screamed in absolute rage as she brought the crowbar down against Negan’s ribs, repeatedly swinging it back and forth while he cried out in sheer, unadulterated agony, as bones were easily broken before she did the same thing to his shoulders and back for good measure! Wickedly punishing many different parts of Negan’s body, except for his face and head, Maggie delivered over two dozen blows as the deadly weapon continued demolishing bones, while also causing internal bleeding as he started coughing up more than a little blood, before at last vomiting all over the place just then. Finally, Maggie broke his back as she crippled the already severely punished male, but she saved the best for last because now it was time to really have some f***ing fun!
"I’ve broken almost every goddamn bone in your f***ing body, but these last ones are for Glenn and Abe, so goodbye Negan and this was certainly a long time coming!"
She then brought the formidable crowbar down against his skull, rather quickly many times in a row for good measure, as brain matter and pulverized bones soon reduced Negan’s formerly recognizable face to little more than a putrid pile of pulp, until nothing remained except for bloody chunks of meat and tissue, as Maggie screamed in both satisfaction and triumph, having finally exorcised her own inner demons which had been plaguing her for so long! Covered from head to toe with Negan’s blood, brains, and other less than pleasant material as well, Maggie then exited the scene of slaughter to let someone else clean up all of this f***ing carnage, and even though Michonne was most certainly upset by what had happened, the world was finally rid of this demented parasite once and for all, never to be troubled by Negan again, as Maggie breathed a huge sigh of well deserved relief!