Those Wayward Souls

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01/11/2025 02:55 PM 

First Battle of Woodbury (Mature Content)
Category: Stories
Current mood:  tested

(Sae Nan Seul has her first test as the leader of a new place called Woodbury, but will this brave young woman and her courageous soldiers rise to the occasion, or might all be for nothing as yet another community falls by the wayside?)

Five hundred starving biters,
Surrounding an unfinished town,
Slowly but steadily moving closer.
No time to finish putting the walls up,
She must rally her people right now,
Or else face complete annihilation,
As men, women, even children,
Along with babies are all slaughtered,
Devoured alive by these wretched undead!
Only thirty fighters stand in the way,
Protecting seventy more innocents,
From being overwhelmed by the herd,
As numerous gunshots ring out from inside,
Blowing many biters apart in the process.
Brain matter along with blood and gore,
Soon cover the ground outside of Woodbury,
Yet soon enough they do indeed close in,
And several people are brutally ripped apart,
Skin torn while raw flesh is also consumed,
By these ravenous biters who eat humans alive!
The situation now becomes even more desperate,
Her brand new town is almost wiped from the map,
As the remaining herd starts moving much closer,
Into the middle of Woodbury, all hope seems lost,
But thankfully others finally join the fight, and at last,
The tide is now turned as even untrained citizens,
Do whatever they can because this town is theirs!
Shooting and stabbing, even setting biters on fire,
People still die truly horrible and gruesome deaths,
But eventually victory emerges from almost certain defeat,
Thus firmly establishing her as a leader to be fully trusted,
Despite the terrible carnage but the herd has been destroyed!


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