Nicknames Lix.
Date of Birth September/ 15/ 2000.
Age 24
Species Fae
Place of Birth Sydney
Current Residence Where do you live?
Education High School
Occupation Idol
Living Arrangements Apartment in Seoul
Transportation Private driver
Criminal Record Squeaky Clean
Medical History Mental health issues, slipped disc in spine.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color What color are your eyes?
Height | Weight 5'7" | 000 lbs.
Skin Color Tan
Ethnicity Korean
Body Type Slim
Physical Description Felix has either black or blonde hair and brown eyes, unless he has contacts in. He's strong but has a lithe dancer's build and a wide, sunny smile, freckles scattered across his cheeks and face.
Orientation Description: Means a person only experiences sexual attraction to someone after forming a strong emotional connection with them.
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Zodiac Traits Detail oriented, helpful, patient, reliable, and perfectionistic
Likes | Dislikes The color blue, baking, rice cakes, soccer, talking on the phone, swimming, MARVEL movies, seasons: autumn and winter. | Scary things, Horror movies, spicy food.
Drink | Drugs | Smoke No| No | No
Habits always makes sure to check on others' condition and give massages when needed, checks his pulse when nervous/anxious or afraid, bites his lips.
Fears The dark, being alone/having to leave the group.
Other Traits Has a bright and shining personality, loves skinship (a strength and a weakness), is a gamer (Tekken, Genshin Impact and League of Legends), loves baking.
๐ ข๐ ฃ๐ ๐ ก๐ ๐ ๐ ข๐ ฃ's Details
Felix Lee
Fame, K-pop, Celebrity
fyl, lee felix yongbok, yongbok felix lee, felix yongbok lee
Member Since:
January 27, 2025
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Felix was born in Sydney, Australia, Seven Hills to be exact- the son of Korean parents who move to the Land Down Under for reasons unknown. He was the middle of 3 children, the only boy- a dongsaeng to an older sister and oppa to a younger sister (she never called him that- "no Korean, English only!"). A kind boy with dots across his face grew up never fitting in, always too nice, too happy, too much for everything and everyone around him, never fitting in anywhere.
Eventually it gets so tiring, going back and forth, being too different for one group of friends, not enough being the same for another, and Felix couldn't take it anymore. He knew what he wanted to do and where he wanted to go: back to his parent's homeland- Korea (much to their dismay- "you won't make it there, you don't even know Korean"). He didn't care; he'd figure it out, somehow. He bided his time, he still had things to do, rules to abide by before he could leave. And then he got scouted by a kpop company through facebook and things changed...
In 2017 he moved to Korea and joined JYPE to start his idol dreams and a year later debuted with the band Stray Kids. He's known as a rapper and dancer with a very low voice that contrasts with his soft looks. He often says he's the "bass of Stray Kids". His lines often become the killing parts of the song like in "Side Effects", "God's Menu" and "Christmas EveL". He also is in charge of stunts in the choreography such as with the flips and high kicks in "All In" and "Wolfgang".
From the moment I saw you
I knew that you would change my life
I miss you quite terribly
Status: Single
By: First Last.
Met: 00/00/0000
Dating: 00/00/0000
Engaged: 00/00/0000
Married: 00/00/0000
Our Song: Name of song here.
Comments:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at nisl erat, a vulputate orci. Maecenas sem justo, dapibus id malesuada nec, ultrices a sapien. Curabitur ut massa elit, vel interdum purus. Duis ullamcorper viverra erat, vitae feugiat dui pharetra id. Curabitur dignissim ante sed sem imperdiet tincidunt. Sed vel massa et lacus mattis congue. Integer volutpat erat vel lectus lobortis facilisis. Phasellus eu tortor eu ipsum consequat viverra sed ut leo.