tester on AsianRoleplay.com - www.asianroleplay.com/19871 tester

44 years old
Taegu, Taegu
Korea (South)

Last Login:
April 16 2024

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Giselle Rhodes
30 years old. Father of one. Husband. Architect.
"Nothing is free. Everything has a price."
Queens, NY Joined March 2012
364 Following โ€ƒ 2,916 Followers
Giselle Rhodes

I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you.
last updated 1.23
debt list
I owe you:
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- Name [S/R] --.--
You owe me:
- Name [S/R] --.--
- Name [S/R] --.--
- Name [S/R] --.--
- Name [S/R] --.--


Full Name: (Self explanatory))
Pronunciation: (Self explanatory))
Nickname/Alias: (Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.))
Meaning: ([Ex: Emily means "admiring" and William means "protector"] If you aren't sure your character's name has a meaning look it up, I'm sure you'll find something. If it's a fantasy name you made yourself, give it a meaning.))
Origin: (How did you come up with your character's name?))
Title: (Do have a title along with their name? [Ex: Sir, Captain, Ms.])
Pet Name: (What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things.
ID Number: (A number that may also be used to identify your character, such as tournaments and prison settings)
Signature: (What is their handwriting like?)

Gender: (Self explanatory)
Gender Role: (Does your character generally act more feminine or masculine?)
Orientation: (Ex: Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual)
Real Age: (How old your character is in years)
Age Appearance: (How old does your character look? This is mostly for immortal creatures such as deities, but can be used with anybody. [if someone looks older or younger than their age)
Birthday: (Self explanatory)
Deathday: (May not have one yet)
Birthplace: (Where was your character born?)
Astrological Sign: (Western)
Zodiac Sign: (Eastern)

Immediate Family: (Who was your character raised by?)
Distant Family: (The ones they don't see every day)
Parenting: (Were their parents strict or fun-loving?)
Upbringing: (What morals and ideals were your characters raised with?)
Infancy: ([0-2] What was it like when your character was a baby? Were they nurtured or dropped at birth?)
Childhood: ([3-12] What was it like for your character growing as a kid ?)
Adolescence: ([13-17] Teen years)
Adulthood: ([18+] When your character has fully matured. If your character isn't yet an adult, plan what would happen to them in the future.)
Coming of Age: (When and how did your character "grow up"?)
Evolution: (How has your character changed since they were younger?)

Species: (Human, animal, or a fantasy race)
Ethnicity: (Self Explanatory)
Blood Type: (Self explanatory)
Preferred Hand: (Right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?)
Facial Type: (Ex: Oval, heart, square, round, )
Eye Color: (Self explanatory)
Hair Color: (Self Explanatory)
Hairstyle: (Self explanatory)
Skin Tone: (Self Explanatory)
Complexion: (Self explanatory)
Makeup: (If any)
Body Type: (Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or somewhere in between?)
Build: (Long legs, chubby cheeks, or muscular arms?)
Height: (In inches)
Weight: (In pounds)
Facial Hair: (If applicable)
Shoe Size: (Self Explanatory)
Birthmarks/scars: (Self explanatory)
Distinguishing Features: (Something unique that stands out)


a princess life for me...
"Crowns aren't made from rhinestones. They are made of discipline, determination and a hard to find alloy called courage."
Nunc sed fringilla erat. In diam nunc, volutpat sed ligula quis, congue aliquam magna. Proin ut malesuada velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus hendrerit convallis nibh, at accumsan est iaculis non. Nam et nulla quis nulla facilisis sollicitudin a consequat justo. Pellentesque nec fringilla tellus, sit amet vestibulum sapien. Ut pulvinar justo vel ipsum egestas cursus. Donec elit ipsum, auctor ut mi sed, ultrices elementum ligula. Donec faucibus sodales erat eu convallis. Vestibulum sed dolor ex. Mauris in est eu eros egestas venenatis in eu nunc.


unnamed baby

"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."
birthday: april 28th
age: 5 years old
gender: female
sibling(s): ivy (twin), poppy & jonah

Isabella Middle

"The best way to make children good is to make them happy."
birthday: april 28th
age: 5 years old
gender: female
sibling(s): ivy (twin), poppy & jonah


Waylon Rhodes Sed at dictum dolor. Nam faucibus eget justo vitae ultricies. Duis mattis quam massa, vitae lobortis nulla scelerisque at. Donec ipsum lectus, imperdiet id dictum nec, euismod ut urna.
Waylon Rhodes Sed at dictum dolor. Nam faucibus eget justo vitae ultricies. Duis mattis quam massa, vitae lobortis nulla scelerisque at. Donec ipsum lectus, imperdiet id dictum nec, euismod ut urna.
Waylon Rhodes Sed at dictum dolor. Nam faucibus eget justo vitae ultricies. Duis mattis quam massa, vitae lobortis nulla scelerisque at. Donec ipsum lectus, imperdiet id dictum nec, euismod ut urna.
Waylon Rhodes Sed at dictum dolor. Nam faucibus eget justo vitae ultricies. Duis mattis quam massa, vitae lobortis nulla scelerisque at. Donec ipsum lectus, imperdiet id dictum nec, euismod ut urna.
Waylon Rhodes Sed at dictum dolor. Nam faucibus eget justo vitae ultricies. Duis mattis quam massa, vitae lobortis nulla scelerisque at. Donec ipsum lectus, imperdiet id dictum nec, euismod ut urna.
Waylon Rhodes Sed at dictum dolor. Nam faucibus eget justo vitae ultricies. Duis mattis quam massa, vitae lobortis nulla scelerisque at. Donec ipsum lectus, imperdiet id dictum nec, euismod ut urna.
Waylon Rhodes Sed at dictum dolor. Nam faucibus eget justo vitae ultricies. Duis mattis quam massa, vitae lobortis nulla scelerisque at. Donec ipsum lectus, imperdiet id dictum nec, euismod ut urna.

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Member Since:September 05, 2019

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About me:
/*( font stuff )*/ /*( color stuff )*/ /*( special stuff )*/ /*( navigation code )*/ /*( owes code )*/ /*( credit code )*/ /*( bio code )*/ /*( twitter code )*/ /*( Instagram code )*/ /*( princess codes )*/ /*( facts code )*/ /*( kids code )*/ /*( imess code )*/ /*( love section codes )*/ /*( conn & writing codes )*/ /*( hidden stuff )*/
Who I'd like to meet:


giselle elizabeth



Giselle Elizabeth Borbรณn was never meant to be known by the world. Her parents, Michelle Anderson of America and Juan, the Crowned Prince of Spain, had been married in secret without his family being able to stop it. The two decided to set up camp in Carmel-By-The-Sea, California and disguise their actual identities in order to grant Giselle a normal life. It was only when Michelle passed away when Giselle was three years old that the 'perfect life' came crashing down. Juan spiraled and ended up leaving his daughter with her maternal grandmother, heading back to Spain immediately and marrying a more 'viable' candidate.

Even though she grew up without really knowing her parents, Giselle found herself thinking herself lucky due to her grandparents giving her just about anything she wanted. In the first grade, Giselle met Waylon Rhodes and that one connection would determine the rest of her life. By the time they were sixteen, Giselles grandfather had already passed and her grandmother was terminally ill so she gave Giselle and Waylon permission to marry to try to avoid Giselle going into the system.

The high schoolers had a happy early marriage, and when it came to college they went off together and got their respective degrees. It was only during her college years that the signs of substance abuse started to pop up from Giselle, she couldnt help it. This put a strain on their relationship to the point that by the time they graduated...they were separated. Waylon went off to New York and Giselle got a job back in their hometown. Almost right after Waylon left, she found out she was pregnant with their daughter, but she wanted to avoid any trouble with Waylon so she kept Isabella to herself.

About four years later, a man showed up on her doorstep to tell her of her true identity, and after much consideration Giselle moved to New York to work out of the Consulate General of Spain office in Manhattan. While there Giselle and Waylon rekindled and the man learned about his daughter, they have been attempting to work things out ever since.

"Don't miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult."


3,821 posts
205 following
"You have no idea who I am or what I'm capable of. You don't know the hell I've been through to get here."
#loml @blackirisx
610 โ€ƒโ€ƒ 293
never letting you go #mcm
150 โ€ƒโ€ƒ 35
good vibes only โœŒ
597 โ€ƒโ€ƒ 376
#iworkout #toplesstuesday
361 โ€ƒโ€ƒ 95
little man lovins
842 โ€ƒโ€ƒ 467
perfect view of heaven โค๏ธ
562 โ€ƒโ€ƒ 216


waylon d. rhodes

STATUS: Locked down.
TOGETHER: 07/13/09
ENGAGED: 11/11/11
MARRIED: 11/12/11
MELODY: Song Title - Artist
CHILDREN: Isabella and unborn baby
LOVE LETTER: Nullam consequat arcu in finibus eleifend. Vestibulum vel odio quis velit condimentum iaculis. Nam vehicula elit scelerisque massa porttitor, eu hendrerit sem eleifend. Sed ac vulputate lectus. Praesent eget purus justo. Curabitur feugiat diam et nibh eleifend interdum. Sed scelerisque interdum elit, in elementum urna mollis quis. Aliquam quis euismod tortor. Morbi elementum urna in justo hendrerit dapibus. Aenean vitae aliquam nunc, ac commodo massa. Mauris porttitor tellus diam. Phasellus vel ante quis leo facilisis pretium. Aliquam odio neque, lobortis vel dolor id, efficitur pulvinar enim. Sed feugiat ornare nunc et iaculis. Praesent bibendum libero vitae tincidunt laoreet. Cras auctor massa erat, vel commodo libero gravida vitae.
My baby
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a ipsum nec justo gravida semper sit amet eget nisi.
Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam pellentesque lobortis nunc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a ipsum nec justo gravida semper sit amet eget nisi.
Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam pellentesque lobortis nunc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a ipsum nec justo gravida semper sit amet eget nisi.
Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam pellentesque lobortis nunc.
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"I was looking everywhere but didnโ€™t realize that the person I was looking for was always there with me."


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Jin Sang-hee



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Tsu. ~ Hiatus

Broken Souls

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Jinnie's Wolf

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