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June 7th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 113
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
September 18, 2020


09/19/2020 12:19 PM 

Character info -

Character name: Serene -
:Cursed reincarnation of one of the three hand maidens picked by Persephone. (It should be noted that I altered her appearance and abilities some. Since Persephone is the one who cursed her in the first place.)

Original qoute by Serene -
"I know you wish to take my flesh. You wish for immortality but I will not grant you this.
If you want to take something from me, you will have to go through hell to get it."

By the day light she walks with the humans.  She's beautiful and curious. Dark and mysterious. She prefers a rather alternative life style,and finds the human world to be fascinating. Even though it has never been her true home. By the call of the sea, she returns to it every night. Embraced by the waters that protected her and gave her a place to belong.
The freedom she has within them is something she can only begin to explain. It's here that she transforms into her true self.

Something is missing in her though. Something taken away some time ago. A deal gone wrong, and a heafty price to pay.
She's lost her soul and with it fragments of her mind. It's not like she took this laying down. She fought back against the "women" who stripped her bare. If you listen closely you can hear her singing at night. Her voice dances along the waves,
carried by the wind with eerie harmony. Her song brings those with a heavy heart peace. It's as if she's calling for them to join her.

Race:Siren- Able to take human form by day but not by night.

Scent: Sea foam, fish, life, wet sand, seaweed
(Every smell in the ocean. She smells like it.)

Abilities:Sirens call:

Capable of singing astonishingly beautiful songs that are capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears them to her.  (Her voice can alter to that of male or female.)

The sirens song acts as a type of hypnoisis drawing victims out to the ocean where she will keep them and never let them return to land. This has been known to cause ship wrecks. Many missing sailors due to these wrecks where once her playmates.

[Side note: There is island in the middle of the mediterranean sea. It's right before world's end. It's a place where constant whirlpools and storms happen. No ship has been able to get past the fortress all around it. Among pirates and sailors there is a myth that a beautiful goddess is trapped on that island.

Bonus fact: Serene trapped Persephone after her soul was taken away from her. The constant storms are due to a constant clash of both Serene and Persephone's magic colliding.]


Immortal beauty " Never aging she will keep her beauty until the end of time.

Mental abilities:

Mind control:  Able to control the minds of others making them completely subject to their mental control. If the victims are placed into a semi-conscious state, they may not have any recollection of the previous actions that they performed while under it's effect.

(Hypnosis: Causes others to follow orders by directly sending suggestions into the subconscious.

Hypnotic Vision:  Causes others to follow orders by placing them in a suggestive trance upon eye contact.

Persuasion: Causes others to follow orders by dictating highly compelling commands.

Pushing: Can Implant thoughts, emotions, and memories into the minds of others making them think that it's their own, and causing them to act normally upon recognizing said information.

Truth Inducement: Can make others tell the truth. (This is done by using persuasion and pushing together)

Physical abilites"

Super human speed and strength

Immortality by the water: When in water it is very difficult to harm her because it acts as a healing solution for her.

Shape shifting.

Fun abilites-

Memory bubbles. She can create bubbles made from sea foam and in them the memories of those she has encountered can sometimes be seen playing as if they are films.

Projection- She can make a person close to her experience the sea as if they are right beside it. This is due to the cold feel of her flesh which doesn't change regaurdless of her form, and her smell which also never chages. She often uses this ability to soothe people.


Certain abilities may be limited to a certain range to work, including touch only. They also may be limited to certain number of targets at a time. It's also possible that some creatures may have resistance to physic intrusions.

Most abilities cannot erase implanted information, but can suppress or nullify it by implanting other information.)

[ Side note: Serene is very powerful and can seem cold and aloof at times. This is because of losing her soul. As time goes on and she endures more experiences, she slowly starts to understand emotions. However, she rarely if ever can keep hold of them. This due to having nothing left in her to store them in.  Think of her like a child learning how to walk for the first time. She also does not like to hurt people. She will if she needs to but her personality takes after the sea. When allowed to be free and untamed she can be quite rewarding. When captivated against her will or taken for granted, she can create devestating disasters.]


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