
Last Login:
July 3rd, 2020

Gender: Male
Age: 33
Sign: Scorpio
Country: Korea (South)

Signup Date:
October 22, 2014


05/29/2016 07:28 PM 

Stand up to Cyber Bullies Here on Asian RP.

That moment you're here and wondering how to gain your rep back. But then some things come up. But hey, this is a new leaf this year. GET PASS ALL THAT. So we roleplayers here on Asian Roleplay can come back and have fun. Write our wildest imaginations..

 I'm here to say that I'm a drama free zone. My character gets pulled into sh*t for no reason when all I've been doing in my entire existence here is to have fun. But my relationships (Excluding this one) fall, due to the fact of my personal life and having to live so far away a while back before being in everyone's current time zones, has been more of work and personal issues that I will not discuss. I hate leading on people. Really, I do. But don't hate me for this.. Sometimes we all fall off.. 

Back story of why my reputation fell off:

My reputation fell due to some lying drama addict that we all know kinda well around here.. Reason why Asian Roleplay kinda started to fall off. A few of my friends I knew for so long got dragged into a retarded rage of none-sense.. And since I'm one of the oldest members here, some sh*t is bound to fly about my past relationships that never turned well or I got cheated on. Then some sh*t where your ex will stalk you and make lies to all other people..

The people I know are from all over on this site and 

There are a few people I will not mention.. But some of those people have caused half my friends into wanting to commit suicide. There's a certain thing that is happening with people stalking half my closest friends and spreading rumors. Yes, somehow I end up knowing every situation like a book with everyone here... But I just say, "I won't get into your drama. Report this to the site, but oh wait; I don't think anyone will do anything about it here~

It sucks right? Pretty much.
I'm standing up against people cyber bullying in role play and hope you all realize that bullying someone over certain beliefs, plus spreading rumors is a crime if you take sh*t out of role playing and into real life.

If you have any drama going on like this certain guy who I know who is running around probably spreading rumors time and time again, send in proof or else go to support for these crimes. 
[I doubt they'll do anything about it. ]

Some people just don't let you have fun. It's a shame in role plays this generation..

It's time to change this year, start a new leaf and bring back all that fun that we all shared.
Happiness is one of the greatest things in life. We get away from reality and come to write. But if you mix two things together (Roleplay and real life), why the hell are you here for?
Anyway, I'm getting off subject..

This place is for us to escape and roleplay our favorite idols or cannons. If you dare come to this site; you need to read TOS and make sure your dramatic life does not effect here. Writing rumors like you're on tumblr is not acceptable. YOU sitting behind a damn computer and typing long hate letters on how you feel about someone in public to your little group of friends is bad and tells how stupid one can be to go those lengths when no one is trying to start anything..

Bringing up old drama is ridiculous. So stop this and get a life if you think it's right to group up on a poor person in rl by going to instant messaging systems or chatzy's to invite them, (however you spell that thing) to talk sh*t. YOU ARE IN NO RIGHT AT ALL, to judge others for actions and I don't care who you like, who you hate, and what you believe about someone doing some lame sh*t that we already know what's going on.. Have some common sense. 

How old are you?

Okay.. I'm going to stop my rants --- I'm tired and if I typo. Yep, you know I'm not making sense.

12/02/2015 02:30 PM 


07/13/2015 03:20 PM 

BigBang Whore Train

There are so many people lately asking that they wanted to be shared out.
 So, if you guys are in need of any help so far, I have been waiting for this day to make a suitable whore train for those who want to be shared out. 
I will be making the layout and everything tomorrow soon.
 So hope everyone fills this forum out, they will be added in once made.

The whore train will last for a month, till everyone's wiped off of it, then you will have to sign up for it again. 

You must share it out whenever you can within 24 hours.. 
if you need additional information..
Or if you don't want your very own playby stolen from anyone you can message me your info..

But post here to sign up..
if you wish to do so.
Here's the whore code:

Repost it when there's an update

Application form: 


For RPG groups or Whore sites||


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Niklaus Mikaelson

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