Gender: Male
Age: 54
Country: United States
Signup Date: March 27, 2022
01/11/2025 02:57 PM
They Will Never Return! (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(Sae Nan Seul and company make a huge mistake by venturing into dogman territory, which no human being has ever returned alive from!)
Going on an afternoon supply run, Sae and a dozen soldiers from Woodbury, Soon venture out into unknown territory, Knowing very little about this particular land, Covered in dense woods with few openings, They soon become lost beyond all dispute, Caught in the middle of a highly protected area, Defended by the deadliest cryptid known to man!
Loud howling suddenly erupts from all around them, A truly terrifying sound, catching everyone by surprise! But their normally dependable weapons, no doubt very effective, Against other humans and also those horrible biters as well, Are simply too weak to bring even one of these beasts down, As the pack quickly moves in for the inevitable slaughter, Half a dozen massive creatures easily ripping people apart, Literally devouring these doomed men and women alive!
Severed heads effortlessly removed from shoulders, Rolling across the ground along with other body parts, As the enraged dogmen bite down on soft human bones, Snapping them like twigs while using their sharp claws, To disembowel people by cruelly gutting them like fish! Intestines spilling from brutally ripped apart stomachs, Greatly excite the cryptids as they continue consuming, Sae and her butchered people until none remain alive!
01/11/2025 02:55 PM
First Battle of Woodbury (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(Sae Nan Seul has her first test as the leader of a new place called Woodbury, but will this brave young woman and her courageous soldiers rise to the occasion, or might all be for nothing as yet another community falls by the wayside?)
Five hundred starving biters, Surrounding an unfinished town, Slowly but steadily moving closer. No time to finish putting the walls up, She must rally her people right now, Or else face complete annihilation, As men, women, even children, Along with babies are all slaughtered, Devoured alive by these wretched undead! Only thirty fighters stand in the way, Protecting seventy more innocents, From being overwhelmed by the herd, As numerous gunshots ring out from inside, Blowing many biters apart in the process. Brain matter along with blood and gore, Soon cover the ground outside of Woodbury, Yet soon enough they do indeed close in, And several people are brutally ripped apart, Skin torn while raw flesh is also consumed, By these ravenous biters who eat humans alive! The situation now becomes even more desperate, Her brand new town is almost wiped from the map, As the remaining herd starts moving much closer, Into the middle of Woodbury, all hope seems lost, But thankfully others finally join the fight, and at last, The tide is now turned as even untrained citizens, Do whatever they can because this town is theirs! Shooting and stabbing, even setting biters on fire, People still die truly horrible and gruesome deaths, But eventually victory emerges from almost certain defeat, Thus firmly establishing her as a leader to be fully trusted, Despite the terrible carnage but the herd has been destroyed!
01/11/2025 02:53 PM
Maggie Rhee: Leader Turned Vigilante (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(Things were, of course, drastically changed from what actually happened in the show, but needless to say Maggie feels so much better right now, after first siding with Oceanside before finally settling the score with a certain individual!)
Maggie Rhee smiled sadistically as she looked at her brand new crowbar, and the potentially deadly weapon would most definitely be put to very good use soon, for a certain person would be paying dearly for taking not only her beloved husband Glenn, but also her close friend Abraham from the lives of those who loved and cherished them like family, which no doubt included herself as well!
Maggie Rhee had slowly but surely turned into a more ruthless and vindictive person than before, even taking some satisfaction in watching that worthless piece of sh*t Gregory suffering and struggling in vain, while trying to escape from the tightly secured rope around his neck, kicking and screaming until the final breath left his cowardly body for all to see, as both Rick and Michonne watched on with shocked expressions upon their faces, yet this was only the beginning of this highly traumatized Hilltop leader’s merciless vendetta against her sworn enemies, as she joined forced with Oceanside in order to hunt down and massacre several of the notorious Saviors as well, after they’d first executed Justin and Arat for taking part in the savage butchery of Oceanside’s male population! Soon enough those things had indeed been accomplished, with Maggie providing additional support while Beatrice and company did the vast majority of the damage, as they finally avenged their fallen husbands and lovers. Meanwhile, Daryl had more or less washed his hands of everything, opting to stay out of this until Maggie finished doing whatever she had in mind, but then again he wasn’t exactly protesting her vigilante actions too much either.
The horrible memories of watching her defenseless father being slaughtered by the maniacal Governor, in addition to seeing the love of her life so coldly and cruelly beaten to death, unfortunately by none other than Negan himself, along with losing her precious half sister Beth along the way, all served to at last push Maggie over the edge, causing her to pick up a crowbar before confronting Negan inside his prison cell! Michonne had argued and did her best to convince Maggie otherwise, but she finally relented and allowed her deeply troubled friend into the somewhat uncomfortable jail.
"So you can be with your wife?"
She snickered as the pathetic excuse for a formerly powerful leader begged and pleaded with her to kill him right now, explaining that he no longer had anything to live for and would be better off dead, because it would mean reuniting with the only woman he’d ever truly loved.
Maggie looked down on the wretched shell of a man whom she’d so easily overpowered, dragging him out of the cell and into the middle of the more exposed area right outside it, so he could get on his knees and whimper like the f***ing coward he’d always been, ever since the very beginning! She considered sparing Negan because he actually seemed worse off than dead in some ways, but as she turned and began walking away, all she saw was Glenn’s battered face as blood gushed forth from savage wounds. Also Abraham too! Maggie could never forget what happened to her dear friend, for he suffered terribly just as Glenn did, and the thought of this psychotic, remorseless madman literally beating them both to a bloody mess became too much for her to endure any longer!
"Then go be with your wife!"
Maggie suddenly screamed in absolute rage as she brought the crowbar down against Negan’s ribs, repeatedly swinging it back and forth while he cried out in sheer, unadulterated agony, as bones were easily broken before she did the same thing to his shoulders and back for good measure! Wickedly punishing many different parts of Negan’s body, except for his face and head, Maggie delivered over two dozen blows as the deadly weapon continued demolishing bones, while also causing internal bleeding as he started coughing up more than a little blood, before at last vomiting all over the place just then. Finally, Maggie broke his back as she crippled the already severely punished male, but she saved the best for last because now it was time to really have some f***ing fun!
"I’ve broken almost every goddamn bone in your f***ing body, but these last ones are for Glenn and Abe, so goodbye Negan and this was certainly a long time coming!"
She then brought the formidable crowbar down against his skull, rather quickly many times in a row for good measure, as brain matter and pulverized bones soon reduced Negan’s formerly recognizable face to little more than a putrid pile of pulp, until nothing remained except for bloody chunks of meat and tissue, as Maggie screamed in both satisfaction and triumph, having finally exorcised her own inner demons which had been plaguing her for so long! Covered from head to toe with Negan’s blood, brains, and other less than pleasant material as well, Maggie then exited the scene of slaughter to let someone else clean up all of this f***ing carnage, and even though Michonne was most certainly upset by what had happened, the world was finally rid of this demented parasite once and for all, never to be troubled by Negan again, as Maggie breathed a huge sigh of well deserved relief!
01/11/2025 02:48 PM
Negan and Arat: Judgment Day (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(Obviously this is all much different than from what actually happened in the show, but it’s still a very nice way to finally let off some damn f***ing steam!)
Negan: Time to do this f***ing sh*t the right way, by permanently getting rid of some goddamn sh*t stains upon society, courtesy of the much needed, no doubt highly appreciated help of the lovely Miss Arat, who is not only my right hand woman, but the oh so soon to be second in command of these goddamn Saviors! That’s right you three worthless little sacks of sh*t, this ain’t the f***in’ show nor is it the comics either, so there won’t be any second chances or lucky breaks like oh, let’s see, some cowardly a**hole putting faulty ammunition in all our weapons! Nope, that sh*t don’t fly around here, because yours truly already knew what the deal was even before it actually happened, so Arat my dearest, please teach these spineless traitors a lesson in what takes place, when you’re f***ing stupid enough to cross the boss!
Negan had a lot taken out of him during his violent fight with Simon only minutes earlier, but he was done playing games with people because very shortly, three more traitors were going to pay dearly for turning their backs on the Saviors. Eugene, Dwight, and Gregory had been locked up in a cell together, while Negan slowly shook his head in disgust before giving Lucille to Arat.
"Listen up you three sorry pieces of sh*t! I’ll deal with you all.... no wait scratch that. Miss Arat here will deal with you all much sooner, rather than later, because from now on she’ll be second in command, seeing as how none of these goddamn men can ever be trusted to follow f***ing orders anymore!"
Negan smiled cruelly as the helpless males began pleading for mercy, but then things went from very bad to far worse as he mentioned something else before leaving.
"Oh and one more thing. All prisoners and traitors will be at the complete mercy of Arat, starting right about.... now! Hey don’t come crying to me, because I’m not the one in charge of this stuff anymore."
Negan shrugged his shoulders then mockingly held up his hands as if surrendering.
"Sorry, nothing I can do to help you out now, because Arat here is calling all the shots. What a bunch of goddamn pussies! I put a sweet little woman in charge and everyone freaks the f*** out. Oh well, later chumps and by the way, my thirsty girl Lucille has been long overdue for a few drinks, if you know what I mean."
Negan smirked then turned his back on the trio of terrified men, leaving them for Arat to massacre as he went to clean up before getting a much needed, no doubt well deserved rest, but today’s less than positive events had actually taught him a very important lesson. Never again would he put the weight of the entire Saviors on his shoulders, because that only caused even more unnecessary stress, which he simply could not afford to endure any longer! Arat was now basically his equal in almost every single way, except for whatever decisions which he might need to make by himself, yet at the same time Negan trusted her judgment and knew that she would never let him down, no matter what.
Arat glared at the begging traitors as she pointed Lucille at them. Negan could give less than a flying f*** about those cocksucking pricks, because right now the only thing on his mind was taking a nice, hot shower before enjoying a delicious meal, then getting a whole lot of f***ing sleep as well! A sudden, yet also sickening crack across Dwight’s skull dropped him straight to the floor, as Lucille began unleashing carnage upon all three worthless excuses for men, one by one while Arat glared at them evilly, without so much as once showing even the slightest bit of remorse. Taking out the main and only serious threat first, over and over she violently drove the barbed wire weapon against Dwight’s skull, reducing that particular part of his body to nothing more than mush, as brain matter and gore completely covered the front end of Negan’s prized possession! Dozens of wicked blows further decimated the already dead man’s horribly abused body, while Gregory and Eugene could only look on in horror, tears flowing down their frightened faces before they started pleading for their very lives!
"Who do you think found out about this in the first place? I’m the one who told Negan about your cowardly betrayal, so that only makes what’s happening here all the more exhilarating and enjoyable for me!"
Gregory was next to have his f***ing brains bashed in by Arat and Lucille, as the smiling female was truly beginning to love every single moment of this, while even more brain matter and pulverized bones splattered onto both Arat and the whimpering Eugene, yet she did not mind getting covered from head to toe in the gore of slain victims, as her blood stained face then pointed the infamous bat at Eugene!
"Goddamn lying piece of sh*t! I know all about your past, and how you ended up getting so many people brutally killed, in order to find a nonexistent cure. This right here, will be especially relished until the very last breath leaves your pitiful body!"
Taking her sweet time, Arat first struck Eugene repeatedly across the stomach, before doing the same to his back, arms, legs, and also chest as the slow, methodical torture continued. Prolonging his suffering for seemingly an eternity, Arat finally ended it all by bashing Eugene’s skull in, as the entire floor of the jail cell was now soaked in blood, along with other less than pleasant bodily fluids as well! She of course, was rather exhausted after having expended so much energy like that, but this had ended up becoming her finest hour and Arat was now on complete par with Negan, for no longer was she simply his right hand woman, but rather a very strong second in command and occasionally, whenever he was in the mood for it, the outright leader of this notorious group of men and women known as the Saviors!
12/04/2024 08:11 PM
The Last Night Alive (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(Another non-Walking Dead story with Sae as an innocent victim of the deadliest cryptid out there, the notorious dogman which proves to be far more than merely fiction!)
The false security of an old cabin, Making Sae appear to be safe from harm, As she sleeps peacefully late at night, While loud howling echoes throughout the woods. Soon enough an enormous creature on two legs, Saliva already dripping down its razor sharp teeth, Easily smashes through the one and only door, Instantly waking the startled young woman up. But it’s much too late for her to possibly escape, As the giant beast grabs Sae around the neck, From behind while also severing her right arm, Biting through it which causes massive blood loss! Multiple body parts are quickly torn asunder, Dismembered alive by the ravenous monstrosity, The poor girl’s screams of agony then fall silent, Another human life devoured as she feeds on raw, Tender flesh while blood covers the female cryptid, No doubt the alpha species of her formidable pack! The next day Sae’s parents arrive on the scene, Paying their kind and loving daughter a surprise visit, Only to scream in terror after seeing her severed head, Along with what little remains of the slaughtered corpse, But the sudden loud growling behind the man and woman, Means that they will now join their only child in death!
12/04/2024 08:09 PM
They Mean Nothing Whatsoever! (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(A non-Walking Dead story with Sae as a female bounty hunter in New Mexico territory, circa 1878 as four outlaws find out the hard way that certain women are not to be f***ed with!)
The first man had his f***ing head blown off, By both rounds from her double barrel shotgun, The now lifeless body gushing forth blood, Falling to the floor as people begin screaming, From inside the saloon but the second outlaw, Was much too slow on the draw just then, As she puts a round straight through his neck, Then another into the outlaw’s f***ing brain, Having already discarded the empty shotgun, In exchange for her equally lethal revolver! Two men are dead and a third quickly follows, Being shot in the back by the merciless female, After turning to flee from this skilled gunslinger, Multiple bullets putting an end to his worthless life, As the final outlaw raises her hands in surrender, Only to take two rounds through her f***ing eyes, Brain matter and gore splattering everywhere, No mercy being shown by one woman to another! Four goddamn pieces of pathetic human sh*t, Lives easily snuffed out without a second thought, By this cold and cruel young woman called Sae, As she collects the bounties on their dead bodies, Before drinking more whiskey like nothing even happened, A fitting end to such murderous scum of the old west!
12/04/2024 08:08 PM
Reflections of Psychotic Retribution (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(So those Terminus cannibals want to play rough? Well then, so can Woodbury as Sae’s rage becomes more than a matter of simple personal vengeance! Again featuring my female OC Walking Dead Governor, Sae Nan Seul.)
A homicidal young woman, Her anger directed against Gareth, Wanting revenge for what he’d done, To several of her unfortunate people. All kidnapped then heinously murdered, Before being eaten both raw and cooked! This simply cannot be allowed to stand, So Woodbury prepares for brutal revenge, On these pathetic motherf***ing cannibals! She finally returns the favor on Terminus, By kidnapping several who ventured too close, As the hostile female begins slowly torturing them, By methodically burning their flesh from bone, Using a blowtorch while they scream in agony! Human bodies cooked alive as Sae continues, Giving them a taste of their own f***ing medicine! She then proceeds to cut them all apart, With her chainsaw as blood, gore and brain matter, Along with other less than pleasant body parts, Soon cover the ground along with burned remnants, Of cannibals who ended up pushing her much too far! Soon Woodbury will attack Terminus without warning, And turn the compound into a motherf***ing bloodbath, Before cutting Gareth’s goddamn head off for good measure!
12/04/2024 08:06 PM
Ode to Slaughtered Biters (Mature Content)
Current mood:

(Woodbury defends itself from an attack by a herd of biters, with devastating results to say the least! Featuring my female OC Walking Dead Governor, Sae Nan Seul.)
Bullet through the f***ing head, Brains blown out at point blank range. Splattering gore and shattered bones, All over the goddamn ground! Biters surrounding Woodbury, Getting mowed down with ease, By the Governor and her people, Who show no mercy whatsoever!
Dozens of Sae’s loyal soldiers, Standing side by side as they fight, While the herd steadily becomes smaller, Their f***ing heads exploding everywhere, Until very few of them remain standing! She then takes a large butcher knife, And begins stabbing them through the skull, Laughing insanely as they collapse at her feet!
Several hundred biters completely wiped out, By Woodbury’s highly determined combatants, A goddamn massacre as the roles are reversed, With the undead rather than humans perishing, Through sheer brutality and nerves of steel, Exhibited by all involved at this moment in time! Taking the fight to these repugnant enemies, A motherf***ing day of reckoning indeed!
12/03/2024 05:49 PM
Yaozu's Tragic Pain (Mature Content)
Current mood:

Demon Version One: Yaozu Jeong is a demon seeking to find his true destiny on this often cold and cruel earth. He has a dark and twisted personality but at the same time, can also often exhibit kindness whenever necessary, yet despite being one of the more emotionally caring entities in existence, he is nevertheless very ruthless at times, never ceasing to satisfy his thirst for violence and death whenever certain situations called for it. For the most part this balance of both good and bad traits serves Yaozu well, although in the process he′s slowly losing his mind along the way. Both before and after his untimely demise, Yaozu was just the type of individual to take the blame for all the problems of those he cared about and loved dearly, which admittedly did not amount to very many people due to his dark and reclusive nature, but whenever something bad happened to them he always wanted to take their pain away and make it his own. He felt deep down inside that misery and suffering were what he truly deserved, even after the vengeful things he′d done to those heartless thugs who brutally murdered his parents in cold blood, before raping his younger sister with such force that she literally bled to death from the horrible trauma she experienced at their cold and callous hands. The mostly middle aged men, along with a few younger gang members as well, then turned their attention to doing the exact same thing to a shocked and terrified Yaozu, who′d been attacked from behind and knocked unconscious during the brutal home invasion.
However, it wasn′t for money or anything else except pure evil and demented lust which drove these nine utterly remorseless, career Triad criminals to commit such barbaric acts of atrocity! They then took turns raping poor Yaozu over and over again, showing no preference whatsoever to doing this to males or females, because for them it was all one and the same no matter what. Their leader then shot Yaozu to death with a 9MM pistol, after first making sure the young man suffered the full agony of sixteen shots to various parts of his body, before finally blowing his brains out with a well placed round to the temple. The entire family had been massacred by these heartless Chinese maniacs, but Yaozu′s spirit would never rest easily after knowing full well how much his poor parents and sister suffered before their unfortunate deaths, yet he cared very little regarding his own untimely demise. All Yaozu wanted was vengeance for his family, and would literally sell his soul to Satan himself in order to make that fantasy an actual reality!
Yes indeed, the tormented demon eventually succeeded in doing just that and so much more as well, returning back from the dead to hunt down then torture all those men for many hours on end, doing even worse things to them then they had done against his entire family. It felt absolutely wonderful and Yaozu relished the opportunity to at last avenge his mother and father, especially his sweet innocent sister too, yet somewhere along this dark path to vengeance he became one with those very same human monsters, often hunting down then murdering any criminal he felt needed eliminated for the smallest of reasons, even though sometimes their crimes were shockingly pale and tame compared to other more hardened thugs, again harking back to those nine animals who butchered Yaozu and his family years ago! Yaozu was now nothing more than a demonic reflection of the exact same evil contained within the very worst members of human society in general, which is why he felt so worthless and ashamed of himself around everyone else unlucky enough to cross his path, for they too would soon become depressed and suffer feelings of utter misery whenever around this most unhappy of individuals!
12/03/2024 05:46 PM
Yaozu's Insatiable Hunger (Mature Content)
Current mood:

Demon Version Three: Yaozu Jeong was starving right now and simply had to eat no matter what, so he quickly attacked a couple who had been walking through the local park, located in his hometown of Zhongshu, Yunnan province, China, and before they knew what happened the voracious demon began tearing into their soft, tender flesh as large, savory chunks of meat were ripped from broken bones, before being swallowed while he continued butchering the hapless man and equally doomed woman alive, right then and there without the slightest bit of mercy nor remorse! Finally they were both indeed dead as the ravenous creature kept on consuming everything which tasted delicious, until very little remained except for bones and small amounts of intestines, along with other less than pleasant body parts as well, but at least now Yaozu was completely full and wouldn’t need to eat again for a few days. He had been all business this time around, leaving his emotions out of it because starvation forced him to do what was necessary in order to survive, but did not humans also do the same terrible things to animals, and occassionaly even one another under extremely dire circumstances as well? This unfortunate couple was no different from them because they were nothing more than prey to Yaozu, so after all was said and done he began slowly walking back into the woods, before suddenly coming across a very beautiful and sensual looking young woman. He looked at her curiously before glancing down at his blood and gore covered body, not to mention the lack of clothes which had all been completely ripped apart during his change from a human looking creature to something truly hideous instead. Usually Yaozu looked normal except for his demonic black eyes which also had slits in them, but every so often he transformed into a vile entity from none other than Hell itself! Needless to say, the handsome male’s truly impressive c*ck was longer and thicker than any human’s could ever be, but now Yaozu’s other form of lustful hunger became clearly evident as the Chinese beauty began begging for her life, yet her pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears and after looking at the scantily clad female standing before him, the highly aroused demon wasted no time in taking her right then and there, ripping off what little clothing remained on her voluptuous figure, until his swollen member began penetrating ever so deeper into the screaming woman’s tight p**sy, while at the same time Yaozu’s hands started fondling and groping her full, luscious breasts and perky nipples as well, mercilessly raping this defenseless victim until repeatedly climaxing deep inside a particular area of her violated body! Had he merely been human rather than something else altogether, Yaozu would have never even thought about forcing himself onto any woman or man out there, for he was somewhat old fashioned with strong moral values too, but since he was indeed some atrocious being from the very pits of a far from pleasant place, she stood no chance whatsoever as he finally ended her life, by snapping the young woman’s neck after sexually abusing her for many hours on end, leaving the deceased corpse for scavenging animals to eventually consume, until basically nothing remained of this tragic victim of Yaozu’s ever increasing other form of cruel, sadistic hunger!
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