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08/02/2022 04:16 PM 

Just a little something.

Heeiiyya! Younggi's admin here!First of all, thank you for being kind to my baby!Second of all, this is by no means a set of rules. It's more of a guidelines of sorts.I really took a challenge when I decided to create a blind character. I know this is not a light subject and I don't want to romanticize disabilities, this is why I try my best to do it justice. That being said, I know it's hard to ignore some pictures (as it is hard for me to find pictures where Hobi doesn't make eye contact with the camera), so when that happens, and it is hard to hide the reason why, just pretend he (Younggi) isn't doing that. Sometimes, his brother will help him take better pictures by guiding him, sometimes it (the eye contact) just isn't there.Texting. How is he able to text if he doesn't see? Simple. He uses his smartphone or computer helped by a screen reader. What is a screen reader? A screen reader, as it implies, reads the screen. It usually does this through synthesized speech. He rarely texts, though, since he is a big fan of sending voice mails. I just wanted to put it out there, in case your character will text him and he will answer back with a text message. Please, please don't ask him "how did you do that if you can't see?", because I don't think you would ask someone in real life that question. Other than insensitive questions, you are free to ask any other curiosities whether in character or not. Oh, and I am thinking about creating a Discord only for the sole purpose of roleplaying, but this is going to fall under the "TBA" tag. Thank you for taking time to read this.Happy roleplaying!!

08/02/2022 06:59 PM 

Admin, rules & all that jazz

           Admin stuff: I go by K or Eli. Both are official nicknames and alias' I go by when roleplaying. I have a UK timezone. (GMT/BST) I'm friendly and easy going. I am 28, nearly 29. MDNI, sorry not sorry.  I'm gay and trans, any homo/transphobic or rude comments and remarks will be deleted. I only give my real name out to those I trust, especially online and such.  I do not and will not tolerate any ooc drama or bullying of any form I give 01 warning and chance to commincate, and sort things, before blocking/reporting/deleting. I have health issues, severe episodes of dissociation and a partner, and child irl, outside of roleplay, my heath and family come before everything else. However if I haven't replied on here or discord in a few days, then please feel free to give me a little message or nudge of sorts, I don't bite.  I may add you first, but not talk first, if this is the case, please bare with me, I have anixety.  I play my characters for me and in no way, shape or form do I intend to offend or upset any person, company or member that I play.  Always in character. If ooc I will put some form of symbol before hand, such as ## or //. Rules: Strictly mxm in terms of romance and heavier/more mature themes but female friends are more than welcome.  If you don't like mature, dark/angsty themes or swearing, or are easily triggered, I'd suggest to skip over adding.  I highly appreciate and value respect, communication and effort.  Do not bring ic drama into ooc and vice versa.  If your not looking for/interested in long term or more serious writing, then note I am or skip past this profile.  Roleplaying or casual chatting is completely fine.  Don't be a d*ck, this is a place for writing, creativity and fun, let's keep it that way.  Please respect my decisions.  Don't hound or bug me for replies, even if I appear online or active on feed, sometimes I may be busy or ill, or just can't concentrate, or I am distracted, or have forgotten. Or simply not in the mood, but either way - I do have a habit of zoning out a lot, it's nothing personal but either way, I don't want to write up half assed replies. However, little nudges and reminders here and there are okay and welcomed.  If bored or away for a long period of time and/or we have something long term going in RP, please try and let me know, and I'll try to do so, also. You owe me nothing, and I owe you nothing, but it would be nice and highly appreciated.  No controlling or god modding my character(s), especially outside of exceptions made and prior discussion. I do not appreciate that. i don't control you or your charact(s) so please don't do so do me or to mine.  Effort x effort, if you make an effort with me then I will make an effort back. Respect me, I'll respect you. It's really as simple as that. I don't want any drama or conflict. And if there are any changes need made anywhere or are any mistakes/ or issues, I would honestly prefer to adjust or sort things out, which means talking and listening. Other:   I write in both 1st and 3rd person narritive, but it is often 3rd, as that's usually what my writing partner(s) are comfortable with and not just as far as writing styles and what not, but overall, I'd prefer both parties are and were comfortable.  I often do multi-au's and my discord is my main, but I mostly use for RP and there, I'm multi-muse/multi-ship as everything is seperated/unique, however multi-ship doesn't seem to work in my case, so I've resorted back to single-ship relationships for my character(s), at least on the site.  Let me know if you're up for creating, inviting and/or sharing a private or group RP server on discord.  Please understand, and I repeat, please understand that all relationships/drama is purely in character (ic) only, and that outside of the site or roleplay, and the worldwide web, I have a partner and child, so any flirting, relationship or enemie storylines/ic drama, is purely that, and stays IC. Please and thank you, in advance. Whilst reply length and replying times may often vary, on each side, I always try to match lengths or detail, and am usually moderate to fast in replying.  If you lie I will find out one way or another, so my advice is not to bother. I do have discord, so please just ask, if you don't already have it.   English is my native/first language, if it isn't yours then please just let me know.  Typos and errors happen, mistakes happen, all I ask is to try your best.  Mature, dark, potentially triggering themes. Trigger warnings fyi, will always be issued when appropriate.  I repeat, as mentioned above, do not and will not tolerate unnecessary, ooc dram or bullying of any form.  If something is wrong or you have a question, and so on, let's communicate and talk it out, over DM's. I will always try my best to message and communicate if needed or when I can, so all I ask is for the same back.  Communication and respect are highly important to me. Don't lie to me and don't be a d*ck.  This is a single ship account. I can play, with exceptions or prior discussion other muses but Yoongi/Agust is my main fc/character.  I do have health issues, both physically and mentally, and I have ptsd, however, ironically enough I'm not usually easily triggered, at least not when it comes to gore or dark/angsty themes, and such, however if something I see triggers me, I will say something or report such, depending on what it is/was, and secondly, I'll always try to post a trigger warning or disclaimer of sorts, before I post certain stuff, such as triggering posts.  Please, let's work up to romance and more mature themes. I can and will add, modify, change or remove details and/or rules as and when I feel it's necessary or deem fit. 

admin blog, ooc, rules, other, communication, 18+, 21+, tags

07/28/2022 10:51 PM 

this is a subject title

this is header one this is header two this is header three this is header four b and strong look the samei and em look the samethis is a linkthis is normal text this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote. this is a block quote.

07/20/2022 12:37 PM 

Custom Text Editor in Messages

Everyone can now use the Custom Text Editor in Private Messages! 

07/10/2022 01:46 PM 


  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━      GENERAL INFORMATION.    NAME — Kim    ALIAS — Namjoon    NICKNAMES — NJ, Joon, Joonie, Namu    SPECIES — human    AGE — 27 years old    BIRTHDAY — 12th September 1994    BIRTHSTONE — Sapphire    ASTROLOGICAL ZODIAC — virgo    CHINESE ZODIAC — dog    OCCUPATION — idol, songwriter and producer    SOCIAL CLASS — N/A    AVERAGE INCOME — N/A    LIVING ARRANGMENT — An apartment in Seoul, South Korea    CURRENT LOCATION — Seoul, South Korea    BIRTHPLACE — Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea    NATIONALITY — Korean    ETHNICITY — Korean    RACE — Asian    BLOOD TYPE — A    SEX — male.    GENDER — cisgender.    SEXUALITY — gay & demisexual & demiromantic    POSITION —  switch = sub/bottom lean    RELATIONSHIP STATUS — single    PAST RELATIONSHIPS — a few    RELIGION — atheist    EDUCATION — Master of Business Administration program in Advertising and Media    LANGUAGES — fluent in Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, German and Italian, understands a little Spanish and French    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━      APPEARANCE.    CLOTHING STYLE — pretty much comfortable, baggy clothes, but elegant too    HEIGHT — 1.81m    WEIGHT — 70kg    FIGURE — does have some muscles, pretty tall    DISTINCTIVE FEATURES — chest & dimples    SCARS — on his knee and a few others by smaller accidents    TATTOOS or MARKINGS  — N/A    SCENT — N/A    COMPLEXION — tan skin    NATURAL HAIR COLOUR — dark brown    CURRENT HAIR COLOUR — brown    EYE COLOUR — dark brown    VOICE — deep, warm and quiet    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━      PERSONALITY.    MBTI — INFP    DISPOSITION — pessimistic    ALIGNMENT — lawful neutral    POSITIVE TRAITS — caring, curious, loyal , intelligent, very kindhearted    NEGATIVE TRAITS — easily sensitive, extremely anxious, overthinking, clingy    LIKES — animals, especially his dog Monie, poetry/writings, languages, music, his friends, food, tea, nature    DISLIKES — rejection, being alone, smell of smoke, seafood, his anxieties, being extremely sensitive    PET PEEVES — any kind of noises like eating noisily, loud breathing, loud snoring, selfish people    FEARS — rejection, losing people he likes/loves, being a replacement or not enough, getting a bad illness    HABITS — biting his lip or inner skin of his chin, making fists, rubbing/scratching his thighs (especially when nervous/stressed)    HOBBIES — reading, playing instruments, travelling, visiting museums, taking walks through the nature, taking care of his plants    LONG TERM GOALS — finding happiness    OBSESSIONS — bonsais    ADDICTIONS — N/A    ALLERGIES — dust    PHYSICAL HEALTH — pretty stable    MENTAL HEALTH — unstable    DISORDERS — generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, depression, occupational burnout, tachycardia (triggered through stress), phobic postural vertigo    STRENGTHS/ABILITIES — N/A    WEAKNESSES — perfectionist, extremely sensitive    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━      PREFERENCES.    FAVOURITE COLOUR — dark blue, black & white    FAVOURITE ANIMAL — dog & koala    FAVOURITE FLOWER — clematis & roses    FAVOURITE FOOD — pizza, kalguksu, salad    FAVOURITE DRINK — any kind of tea, milkshakes, smoothies    FAVOURITE SHOW — la casa da papel    FAVOURITE MOVIE — call me by your name    FAVOURITE SONG — "let you down" by NF, "lonely" by JB and Benny Blanco & "if I killed someone for you" by Alec Benjamin    FAVOURITE BOOK — "please look after mother" by Kyung-Sook Shin & "the fault in our stars" by John Green    FAVOURITE POEM — "Maybe there's something you're afraid to say, or someone you're afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters." by John Green"It always shocked me when I realized that I wasn’t the only person in the world who thought and felt such strange and awful things." by John Green    FAVOURITE SEASON — fall    FAVOURITE WEATHER — sunny, not too hot, just that it feels comfortable    FAVOURITE TIME of DAY — morning and evening slowly going over to the night, basically sunrise & sunset    PRIZED POSSESSIONS — photographs with family & friends, my dog    IDEAL TYPE — should be fine with skinship, intelligent, likes music, animals or plants    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━      RELATIONSHIPS.    LOVER — N/A    FATHER — Kim Dae-jung ; alive    MOTHER — Kim Seo-yeon ; alive    BROTHER — N/A    SISTER — Kim Geong-min ; alive    CHILDREN — N/A    OTHER RELEVANT RELATIVES — alive    BEST FRIEND — N/A    CLOSE FRIENDS — N/A    ENEMIES — N/A    PETS — dog named Monie    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━      OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION.    N/A 

07/10/2022 01:45 PM 

Admin + Rules

Admin:pronounce: he|him / she|herbirthdate: 10th February 2001age: 21Rules:- You must be ooc 18+ (please tell me your ooc age before rping!)- Don't take control over my character.- Only roleplaying semi lit up to lit, third person. If you roleplay like this *hugs you* then I will kindly tell you that they should stay at text talk, I don't like to roleplay like that, I am sorry.- Please no littles, crossdresser, abo, hybrids or anything supernatural.If you want to roleplay then please think about that I won't do this & it's totally fine if you don't want to roleplay anymore then.- Understand that English isn't my first language, so mistakes are just mistakes and not forcefully done to annoy you.- That doesn't mean though that I don't care about grammar etc. Typos are fine.- Please, don't use "u", "r", "bcs", etc. during roleplaying.- Please use any way to show that you talk ooc! I use as example this // before I write.- Talk with me if you don't like something.- I'm serious, please tell me if you are offline for a longer time and I will do so too. Because waiting is terrible and if we want our muses to have a connection then we need to work together on it and just disappearing and coming whenever you like doesn't help at all. If you have ooc a lot going on, just tell me. I can be very patient, but without telling me anything and coming back after weeks or months is a no-go.- As well about deleting/disappearing and not coming back online. Not cool. Put always yourself in to that situation, how would you feel if people do that with you? It's not fun. At least give a heads up that you will be >deleting< , give some time to read and maybe talk in case we talked as well ooc.- if you tend to be a person who just disappears and deletes whenever you want, DON'T talk/messages with my muse. He doesn't need to waste time on people who don't care about him enough to maybe take a break instead of straight of deleting.Like said, if you need time you are welcome to say it ooc, after all ooc life comes first, but don't just do this.

06/12/2022 08:43 PM 

About Admin

🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞  ✅ Fast replies (most of the time, serious bad for getting distracted)✅ British admin (from the UK, GMT/BST timezone)✅ My other profile ( )✅ 1st & 3rd person (either is fine with me)⛔ NO drama or bullsh*t (x2 chances then reported & blocked)⛔ NO homophobic or transphobic bullsh*t (reported & blocked automatically)⛔ NO bullying of ANY form (again, reported & blocked automatically)⛔ MDNI 18 - 21+ only (sorry, not sorry, admin 28, no minors, no sketchy sh*t !!)⚠ Admin is friendly and discord available (Discord is admin's personal - but mainly used for RP) ⚠ Admin dissociates/zones out A LOT (Sorry, if replies are a little all over the place)⚠ Admin has Anxiety, Depression & Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Please be patient, and thank you in advance)⚠ Admin will post trigger warnings ahead of any triggering/dark posts (Always try my best) 🚧 PS. 🚧  ✯ IF there is any issues orquestions, etc, please don't be afraid to message me and we can sort something out, talk over any problems, and IF English is not /you're/ 1st language, please, just let me know. I am not a "grammer nazi" or anything, as long as there is - respect, communication and understanding, and we all try our best, Then I won't/don't have any issues or beef. Semi literate to literate, and multi para writer, but I always try to work with my writing partner(s), so we're both comfortable. All IC relationships are storyline/roleplay only, and IF multi-ship - then all au's are seperate. All OOC posts will be marked with some sort of symbol before like; ##,  [] or //.    🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞  

admin blog, guidelines,

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Kayako Saeki vs. Reika Kuze Part One: Decay of Sanity (Mature Content)
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Bing Yi's First Snuff Film (Mature Content)
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Vengeance Through His Suffering (Mature Content)
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A Remorseless Day of Reckoning (Mature Content)
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